Warning: cursing and death
Song: Say something by A Great Big World(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I've been with these so called 'friends' of mine. Aka: Keith, Shiro, Hunk, Lance, Allura, Coran, and.............
The girl I'm in love with, who will never love me back. But let's not get into that, right now I was called into the control room. Allura said she had a mission for me, and only me. How great. You see me and Allura, we don't get along to well and now she's sending me on a mission, alone. I don't even have a lion! Is she trying to kill me?!?!
"(Y/n)! Are you ready yet?!" Allura yelled. Ugh she's so loud, my big, fluffy ears can't take it! Did I forget to mention I'm galra? Well I am, I'm also part Altean but no one knows, so that's why we don't get along, I guess? I don't know. That's not the point though so back to the present.
"Yes," eye rolled, "now shut up, I'm sick of your voice," she growled as I got into my pod. Everyone was watching, except Pidge, she wasn't there. I got in the pod and took off a tick later. I was now in space. I put my helmet on.
"Allura, you shouldn't do this," that sounded like Shiro. Shouldn't do what?
"What do you know?" Allura defiantly.
"That you shouldn't do this,"
"Do what?" Pidge, I guess she just walked in.
"Blow up (y/n)'s pod in 20 seconds," what?!?!? No no no no nononononononono uhhh got to get out of here!! But how?!?!?! I'm gonna die, she really wants to kill me.
"WHAT?!?!" Pidge. Why. I took off my helmet. If anyone can here me, please oh please, save me.....! I ejected. Now I'm floating in space trying to get away from the pod. Next thing I know I'm inside a lion? I think. Than someone comes and brings me to the control area. Yep defiantly a lion. I looked at the person who saved me. They were an alien. They were a light blue, had black hair that faded into white, grey eyes, and they were about as tall as me. They we really pretty.
"Hello, I'm Azul," she spoke.
"I'm (y/n), thank you for saving me, but, uh, how'd you get a lion?" I asked confused.
"Well, young one, this lion was built by king Alfor, this is the silver lion, she has been a secret since she was built. I'm her care taker, everyone in my family has been for generations. She used to respond to me." She explained.
"What do you mean used to?" I asked, interested.
"I was flying around with Silver when all of a sudden she started to fly in the other direction. She came all the way to...... you,"
"So, wait, are you saying........"
"That I think your the Silver paladin, (y/n), we have to go to the Paladins of Voltron, right away!"
"No, never again am I going back there, do you see what I am, I am a galra, they don't like nor trust me. Do you have anywhere else we can go so I can train with Silver?"
"Yes, my planet, I'll tell you the coordinates and we can go there," she said and than we were off.
|Time skip|Two year later|
"Hahaha this is so fun!" I yelled laughing. You see over the 2 years I've been with Silver, we've gotten close, and right now we were free falling on Azul' s planet. I pull up right before we hit the ground.

Voltron One~shots (SLOW UPDATES)
FanfictionOh you know the usual lol. Anyway this is going to have slow updates cuz this will be here for when I get a random voltron one shot idea. Also I will do boyxboy so like if a guy or someone wanted a Male!reader x Keith than I'd do it. Same with girls...