High school AU
Warning: Sad
Matt's P.O.V.
I was walking to school with my sister, Katie, as she was going on and on about how Lance was taking her our somewhere special tonight. Bleh, he's not good enough for her then again no one is. I thought to myself. You see I hate Valentine's day with a passion, why you ask. It's when the incident happened....
"Matt!" Katie yelled at me.
"Yes Pidge?" I asked looking at her.
"Are you thinking about it again?" She asked. All I did was look away and walk faster. "Matt! It wasn't your fault!" She yelled again. I then ran the rest of the to school. When I got there Shiro walked up to me.
"Hey man! Happy Valentine's Day!" He said happily. I gave him a glare and sat down.
"You know I hate Valentine's Day Shiro," I said and looked towards Keith and Lance who were kissing. Bleh.......wait a sec......isn't Lance dating Katie? Just then Katie ran up and saw them. I ran over to her, she was bawling so I hugged her tight.
"Lance you b-!" I was cut off by Shiro.
"Lance! What the hell man?!" Shiro yelled and Lance just looked away. That's right feel ashamed.
"I-I'm sorry! I was going to end it before she found out! That's what the dinner was for! To break it off with her!" Lance rambled while I held my shaking sister and getting angrier by the second.
"You were going to leave her heart broken on Valentine's Day?!? Just so you could date the mullet head!?! I knew you were a cheating b-" I said once again getting cut off.
"Leave Keith out of this or else!" Lance yelled back, seeing as he was the one who cut me off.
"Or else what?!" I yelled with rage in my eyes.
"I'll bring her into this!" Lance yelled. Oh. No. He. Didn't. I gave Pidge to Shiro and walked over to Lance slowly.
"Do that and see what happens," I said with a dark tone. He gulped but continued non the less.
"Y-you know what happened when you didn't pay attention!" He yelled in my face and all in one second he was on the ground, holding his bleeding nose, crying.
"I said leave her out of this!!!" I yelled tears going down my face. Hunk pulled me back.
"No! (Y/n) would be alive right now if it weren't for you! You let her die! And why?! Because you couldn't say no!" He yelled getting up and wiping his stray tears. Hunk had to hold me so I didn't attack him further.
"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!" I yelled so loud. By now everyone was watching and/or had been watching. I was so broken and venerable right now and he knew how to hurt me more then I could ever do to him.
"I KNOW SHE'D STILL BE HERE!!!" Lance yelled back being held back by Keith. Now he wants to fight.
"STOP IT!!!!!" Katie yelled running in the middle of us. She had tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes.
"Hunk let me go...... please," I said in a whisper. He let me go and I ran to Katie.
"It's not your fault......!" She whispered and I just hugged her tight and she to me.
"It is his fault! I loved her so f-ing much and-and now she's gone!" Lance yelled sobbing as well. Then the bell rung. Everyone, but our group, ran to class. The whole group was crying now even Shiro. (Y/n) was a big part of our life, she kept us together. I stole her heart and she mine. I miss her, she left us 2 years ago on this day.

Voltron One~shots (SLOW UPDATES)
FanfictionOh you know the usual lol. Anyway this is going to have slow updates cuz this will be here for when I get a random voltron one shot idea. Also I will do boyxboy so like if a guy or someone wanted a Male!reader x Keith than I'd do it. Same with girls...