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Katherine had split off from Stiles and Malia as soon as they'd gotten to the school.

She'd wandered around, rapidly texting and calling Liam in hopes he'd answer and she could meet up with him an mason. But, as usual, he wouldn't answer.

When her phone buzzed, she pulled it out in hopes that it was Liam. But it wasn't.

since you came
back without telling me

I'm taking you out for
dinner tonight night so
we can catch up

Katherine raised her brows.

sounds like you're
asking me out, hun

who knows???

either way you're
going out to dinner
with me, so be ready
for 5:30

I'll have to reschedule
for tomorrow, but aye
aye captain

that's fine, just
don't get sassy with me

also Lori says hi

Katherine rolled her eyes as she quickly sent a message saying hello to Lori, then pocketed her phone.

She wandered around for a little while, keeping her mind focused on finding Liam or Mason.

Preferably both of them.

As she made her way through the school, Katherine awkwardly shoved the little freshmen students out of her way. Most of them stared up at her either with awe or annoyance. But she ignored them. They weren't who she was looking for.

Eventually, Katherine turned down another hallway and heard Mason talking a mile a minute. She grinned and jogged over to them.

"I was attacked. By an armor-plated giant wearing a bear skull; it left an impression," she heard Mason say sassily in response to whatever Liam had said.

"That's all?" Katherine giggled, slinging an arm around both their shoulders.

"Wait, Kat look—look. Have you guys ever seen anything like this?"

Katherine glanced down, her eyes focusing on the drawing of the Berserker in Mason's book. She grimaced. "Uh, no, never," Liam answered sarcastically, pulling a weird face.

Katherine rolled her eyes. "Sure as shit have," she muttered. "What do you think tried to claw my stomach out and put me in the hospital for a week last year?"

"Watch the language, Katherine Stilinski!" She heard Stiles tell from down the hall. Katherine rolled her eyes, knowing that Scott had told him what she said, but grinned at the astonished expression on Masons face.

"No way," Mason gaped.

"Don't overwhelm him, Kat," Liam groaned.

"I'll try my best," Katherine grinned. She leaned over and pressed a kiss to Mason's cheek, then Liam's. "And neither of you can pretend you didn't miss me this summer, by the way," she grinned.

"I don't think I could if I tried," Liam breathed, offering her a small smile. He grabbed Katherine's hand and pulled her into their history class — Kira's dad, Mr Yukimura was their teacher — while Mason rambled incessantly behind them.

"And then there's this whole section about the Nagual. Have you ever hearde of the name—wait— Tez—Tezca—Tezcat—"

Liam leaned over to look at the page, scanning the word Mason was trying to pronounce. "Tezcatlipoca," he finished. Then he pulled another sarcastic look. "No. No, never heard of him."

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