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A/N: DON'T MIND ME FORGETTING TO UPDATE FOR A WEEK THATS MY BAD but on a good note I made it to school for the first time since it started AND I got homework done so we're almost thriving over here

Scott had tried to make her go home after that, but she'd refused. Even though she knew he just wanted to make sure she was safe, Katherine would've found her own way to follow them if it meant they could save Mason. She'd lost too many friends since they were roped into the supernatural world, and she didn't plan to lose another one.

So she walked side by side with a very silent Liam, who hadn't said a word to anyone since they'd left the operating theatre. Not until the sun was setting, and they'd made it well out into the woods. "Here," he muttered holding out a hand for her. "You still can't hear, so..."

She smiled gratefully and grabbed it, lacing her fingers through his while simultaneously swallowing the lump that formed in her throat. "Thanks."

"Does it hurt at all?" He asked hesitantly, looking over at her right ear and gestured to his own for clarification.

"No, not really," she shrugged softly. "It's mostly annoying." She could kind of hear Theo and Scott bickering up ahead of them, but she couldn't quite make out what they were saying; she didn't really want to, either.

But she guessed it was about Deucalion.

"Is it bad that it doesn't hurt?" He asked her worriedly, and she shook her head.

"Nah, if it hurts that means it's infected...according to google, anywa—"

"—We're close," he cut her off, and she snapped her mouth shut.

Talk about her hearing problems could wait until she knew Mason was safe. The four of them stopped where they were, and all eyes turned to Liam expectantly. "You get his scent?" Scott asked, his face growing hopeful.

Katherine couldn't hide the increase in her heartrate, either, as Liam nodded, though he didn't look happy. "Which way?" Theo frowned, not seeing the problem. When Liam just stared at him, mouth twisted bitterly, he seemed to get it. "You think you're going to leave me behind?"

He glanced over to Scott. "Liam," he murmured, but didn't have the chance to say anything.

"Look, he wants to kill him," Liam snapped, and then he was cut off too.

"I just want his power," Theo scoffed. "You want to fight someone that actually wants to kill Mason? Go fight Parrish."

"Who did you see when you put on the mask?" Liam demanded, shifting the way he was standing.

Katherine raked a hand through her hair and sighed. "Jesus," she muttered tiredly, and glanced around them because she wasn't sure if she was missing any background sounds.

The feeling was nerve-wracking.

"I already told you," Theo huffed with an impatient roll of his eyes. "It wasn't Mason."

"Who was it?"

" I saw a man dying in the snow. He was impaled on a spear."

"It's called a pike," Scott corrected him as he realized what he was talking about. "Lydia told us the story."

The Beast and The Maid of Gévaudan.

"Then both of you know what it means," Theo glared. "Time's running out. Where is he, Liam? What direction?"

Katherine was practically holding her breath, hoping that if it meant saving Mason's life, they'd be able to put their shit aside and find him. He looked to Scott, who looked hopeful but they both knew he wouldn't push him to say anything in front of Theo that he didn't want to. Finally, Liam sighed. "This way," he muttered.

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