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Katherine stood between Liam and Stiles behind a particularly large tree branch, watching Theo from where he stood on an old wooden bridge.

"Try and get his scent," Stiles ordered, looking over her head at Liam. Katherine squinted as she tried to get a better look at Theo, hoping to see whatever Stiles could that set him on edge. "Getting anything?"

Liam sniffed slightly then made a face. "Soap," he murmured. "It's nice. It smells good."

Katherine snorted quietly, then immediately covered her mouth to hide it.

"Not his soap," Stiles rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "His emotional state. Chemo signals, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, crap, right." Liam's eyes widened fractionally. He inhaled sharply again then turned to Stiles with furrowed brows. "He's...scared?"

"No, that's me," Katherine muttered, eyeing the trees nervously. "I'm scared. Not sure what he is, but I don't think that's it."

After rolling his eyes, Liam sniffed The air again. "Uh...he's—he's sad."

"He's sad?" Stiles repeated, his brows furrowing.

"Apparently," Katherine muttered as she folded her arms over her chest. "Geez Stiles, pay attention." Liam dropped an arm around her shoulders, and Katherine immediately felt her heart begin to race. She just hoped he was too confused to notice it as well.

"It's not just sad, though," Liam continued quietly, tilting his head to the side. "It's more like...grief."

"Grief," Stiles repeated quietly, narrowing as he continued to watch Theo.

Katherine squinted slightly as she tried to see what Theo was doing. She watched as he pulled a white lily out from the package he'd brought with him, then dropped it off the bridge and into the river.

Then Stiles let out a strange noise — a mix between a gasp and a strangled squeak — before grabbing them both by the arm and hauling them back in the direction of the Jeep. "Go, go, we have to go, now," he hissed, dragging them both away from the tree.

"What?" Katherine frowned, wrenching her arm from his grip. "Why?" She kept pace with them, her brows creased in confusion.

"Yeah, why?" Liam frowned.

"Don't ask," Stiles grimaced. "Just go."

"Seriously, Stiles," Katherine grumbled. She ran a hand through her hair then crossed her arms over her chest. "I cannot believe I let you drag me out here."

"That's the bridge where they found his sister," Stiles rushed out.

Liam furrowed his brows. "What sister?"

"The one that got lost and died from exposure," he answered quickly. "He's leaving a flower for her."

"Oh, shit," Katherine breathed, her annoyance vanishing almost immediately. "Yeah, we really need to go."

"Watch your language," Stiles sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"That doesn't sound evil," Liam frowned.

"I know," Stiles spazzed. "It's not. Which is why we really need to go."

Katherine opened her mouth to say something, quietly scanning the trees. She noticed a dark figure standing on a branch above them, and let out a loud shriek. It jumped down, crouching in front of them, and Katherine covered her mouth in shock as she quickly realized it was Theo.

"Shit, man!" She yelped, her hands resting on her chest above her heart. "Chill the hell out, my god."

"Sorry Katherine," Theo chuckled. He stood up to his full height and smiled faintly at them. "What're you guys doing?" He took two steps towards them, and Liam immediately moved himself in front of Stiles and Katherine, and let out a low growl. "Woah," Theo breathed, holding his hands up.

Katherine grabbed Liam's hand, while Stiles put an arm in front of him to keep him form moving any further. "Calm down," she muttered.

"Why do I get the feeling that this kid's tougher than he looks," Theo mused, pointing at Liam.

"Only when we let him off his leash," Stiles grimaced.

Katherine raised a brow and pursed her lips to hide her growing smile. "Piss him off and you'll see just how tough he is," she mused. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Liam smile at her, but she kept her attention focused on Theo.

"Stiles," Theo sighed. "We were in little league together, why are you so suspicious of me?"

Stiles studied him for a moment, tilting his head back and forth as he weighed the option of showing Theo what he felt was wrong. "Because of these," he sighed eventually, handing Theo the two parking tickets. "One's a speeding ticket signed by your Dad eight years ago, the other one's a signature on a transfer form to Beacon High. They're different."

Theo looked at them for a moment, his mouth open slightly. "Huh, yeah they do look a little different."

"They're completely different," Katherine muttered. "They're signed by two totally different people." Stiles flicked the side of her neck, but she could see him smiling proudly.

"So my Dad's not my Dad?" Theo laughed uneasily, finally looking up from the photocopied papers. "Like, he's an imposter?"

"Basically yeah," Katherine sighed tiredly.

"Something like that," Liam nodded, making a strange face.

Katherine gave his hand a light squeeze and pursed her lips.

After folding them, Theo slowly shook his head. "Who do you think I am?"

"We don't know yet," Katherine shook her head with a sad smile.

"Want me to give you a DNA sample or something?" Theo raised his brows with a small smile.

"No," Stiles grumbled. "I don't have anything from fourth grade to match it to."

Theo's smile slowly disappeared when he realized Stiles wasn't joking. He looked down at his feet. "You know, Stiles," he murmured quietly. "I came back here for Scott. But I also came back for you." Katherine felt her brows fly up as she grew more and more suspicious. "Someone like you, or Katherine even," Theo continued, glancing at her.

Liam laid and arm around her shoulders, squinting suspiciously at him. "Someone who's willing to walk into the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends. I don't have anyone like that. But Scott does." He looked between Katherine and Liam, and smiled weakly. "You all do." Katherine glanced up and Liam and pursed her lips to keep from grinning. "I know I'm in the right place," Theo continued, looking down at his feet. "I'm meant to be here. I'm meant to be a part of this pack."

I've been sick for a week, and had the update ready on Thursday but I've been sleeping so much I didn't even realize what day it was until now so I'm sorry guys 😬


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