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A/N: ^^^the video doesn't have anything to do with the chapter, I just really love Coach and figured you guys probably need a good laugh

once again, not my video but I kinda wish it was

The next morning Katherine woke up with a groan at the sound of her phone alarm going off, signalling it was 6:15 and she had to get her ass out of bed if she wanted to shower before leaving for school. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes before opening them, and immediately hid under her pillow when the light nearly blinded her.

She'd taken one of her pills the night before and had slept like a baby, so she didn't feel unbearably tired. Just didn't like mornings. After listening to the alarm screech for another few minutes from under her pillow, she forced herself to stumble out of bed to turn it off. Now that she was awake, she quickly checked her texts — one saying good morning from her Dad, and one from Melissa asking if she needed any meals made and how her eyebrow was doing — then made sure it was charging while she stumbled into the bathroom to shower.

It was quarter to seven when she got out of the bathroom, and quickly got dressed into a cute skirt with a top to match. It felt a little weird to be wearing one to school, but she missed Lydia and since this was an outfit she'd approve of, she let the weirdness turn into confidence throughout her morning. Her bandage looked a little out of place, but there was't much she could do there.

After a moments deliberation, she even made an attempt at eye makeup again. It took a few retries, but she eventually ended up with some eye shadow in varying shades of brown and semi-acceptable looking eyeliner, and chose to stick with some classic coconut flavoured chapstick. Katherine quickly responded to the text messages she'd gotten saying good morning to her Dad and telling Melissa she'd take whatever leftovers she could spare, she sent a text to the group chat she had with Scott and Stiles.

any good news?

She played music on Stiles' laptop while she made her breakfast — two PopTarts and whatever was left of her Mac and Cheese — and hummed along to some Olivia O'Brien while also drinking enough coffee to potentially end in a heart attack. When she was finished up in the kitchen, she wandered upstairs and grabbed Allison's jacket from her closet, stuffed it into her backpack just in case she needed the comfort, and made sure she'd stuffed all and any homework in along with it.

She brushed through her hair a couple times and sprayed a detangler into it so it would be manageable for the majority of the day, then spent another fifteen minutes trying to figure out where her orangy-brown beanie ended up. She was understandably confused when she found it in the back of drawer in the bathroom, behind all the deodorants and lost hair ties and old makeup she'd gotten from the dollar store as a child.

Then she went back downstairs and poured the remainder of the coffee left in the pot into a travel mug, slid on her a pair of black boots before grabbing everything she'd need for school and heading out the door to walk to school. She was quietly humming a stupid commercial jingle under her breath, and began cursing under her breath over it as she locked the front door behind her, immediately screaming when she turned around.

Because Lori Talbot was standing on her front porch.

"Holy Shit!" Katherine screech, scrambling to put the travel mug down on the ground so she could run and hug the girl she hadn't seen in months. She launched herself into her arms, her bandaged one hooked around her friends neck so she could partially support herself. "Wait what the fuck? Hi!"

"Hey!" Lori beamed, easily holding her off the ground thanks to her werewolf strength. "Oh my god your face but I know you don't want to talk about it!"

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