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Katherine walked into school the next morning, holding her math book tightly to her chest. She couldn't pinpoint why, but when she'd woken up that morning, with Stiles fast asleep and halfway off the bed, her anxiety had sky rocketed. When it hadn't changed as she had a shower and got dressed, or as she pulled on her Vans and got into Stiles' jeep, she knew it was going to be a long day.

She could feel the vague sense of panic spreading through her chest like pen ink in water, but never spoke up about it. Everyone already had enough to deal with, they shouldn't have to add her to the list. As she rounded the corner on the way to her first class — history, with Liam and Mason — her eyes landed on Lydia and Malia as they walked in her direction.

Immediately, she made her way towards them and stood as close to Lydia as she could, and gave Malia a small, forced smile. "What did I miss?" She asked softly, her lips pursed.

"Malia and Kira found a book," Lydia explained vaguely. "It might explain those...things."

"That's good," Katherine mumbled quietly, rubbing her eyes with the heel of her palms. "That's really good."

After sharing a look with Malia, Lydia pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. "How much sleep did you get last night?" She asked, her voice taking on a protective and worried tone as Katherine yawned.

"Not enough," she mumbled in response, offering Malia a tired smile as the girl seemed to be internally stressing over what she was doing in the situation. "I'll be fine, though, I just need some coffee, maybe a snack."

"I can try and find you something with caffeine in it around lunch time," Malia promised.

Nodding thankfully, Katherine rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned, causing them to close. But then flew open again when she felt someone irritably flick her nose. She shied away from Lydia and raised her hands to protect herself from any more."What you need, is sleep," she was scolded, setting her hands firmly on her hips.

Katherine waved her off. "Yeah, I know," she grumbled, stifling another yawn. "You sound like Scott."

"That's because we're both worried about you," Lydia huffed. She fixed her hair. "Go to class, okay? I'll text you the details about everything later."

"I just can't do anything tonight, okay?" Katherine told her hesitantly, knowing that if she explained why, Lydia would blow it all out of proportion.

"Why not?" Malia frowned.

"Brett's taking me out for dinner somewhere in Devonford," she explained, closing her eyes to avoid the disapproving but amused look she knew she'd be getting. "Lori is going to be there too, and it's just because I didn't see them all summer and they said they missed me," she rushed to explain with a grimace, but Lydia didn't stop smiling. Malia just looked confused.

"Mhmmm," Lydia winked. "Just text me a picture of what you're wearing, alright? I won't tell Scott or Stiles where you are, God knows the two of them would lose their minds over it." Then she clapped her hands together. "Go to class, the bell goes in a few minutes. I'll make sure you get a copy of the book.

Katherine smiled weakly and pulled her in for a tight hug, silently wishing that Allison was there too. "Thanks, Lyds. I appreciate it. And he's picking me up from the school when we get out, so I'm wearing this."


Math was still her least favourite class, and there was nothing that anybody could do to change that.

Pre Calculus had been easy enough when Lydia taught it to her over skype during the summer, but now with Mr Anderson, it was just plain boring. She wasn't sure if it was just him, or if it would be as nap-inducing with another teacher, but instead of paying attention to what he was saying she simply played candy crush under her desk.

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