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if you guys wanna stay updated on which story is gonna get a new chapter when and why it's taking me so god damn long to write literally anything, you should go ahead and keep checking ^^^this^^^little guy

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if you guys wanna stay updated on which story is gonna get a new chapter when and why it's taking me so god damn long to write literally anything, you should go ahead and keep checking ^^^this^^^little guy. It's basically exactly what is sounds like from the title, and it's not necessary or anything but I just ask questions about what you want written and what stories you want to see, what's in my drafts and all that shit

anywho, enjoy the chapter!!!

Their security was short lived.

Parrish had asked the pack the day they'd left for Eichen if they'd be willing to follow him around at night, because he was sleep walking again. Argent had agreed to help the moment they'd been asked, having understood the gravity of the situation, and had agreed to watch over Parrish through the night, follow him to where he was going, and send an alert to the rest of the pack if he left the house.

Which was exactly how Katherine had wound up in the back of the Jeep with Liam, Stiles driving the two of them along with Scott aimlessly around until they got a text with a location. For the first twenty minutes, it mostly consisted of Stiles muttering quietly to himself, Scott looking out the window, and Liam watching her beat seven levels of candy crush. Her bat was rolling around on the floor at her feet,

Then the text came through. "He's headed to the school," Scott read aloud, and Katherine was pushed to the side slightly so Liam could peak his head through the gap between the two front seats.

"Why's Parrish headed to the school?" He frowned.

Katherine sighed quietly and stuffed her phone into her pocket

"It's not Parrish," Scott mumbled, distracted by sending a reply to Argent. "At least not right now."

"Okay," he corrected himself. "Why's a Hellhound going to the school?"

"Cause he's got a yearning for higher education," Stiles responded sarcastically, making a face that clearly said he was being stupid. She couldn't help but snicker, then smiled apologetically when he pouted at her. "Liam, Hellhound's at the school, so, we're going to the school. Okay?"

He just continued to frown as he nodded, and slouched back into the chair. Katherine grabbed her bat from the floor and sighed, silently thankful she'd at least had the night to sleep as long as she could because she felt wide awake. It would come in handy for the inevitably long night they were about to endure yet again.

They parked at the front of the school so they could make a quick get away if need be, and would be able to remember where they parked in a crisis. Katherine slid out the gap behind the drivers seat after Stiles and waited at the other side for Liam to get out, and flinched with he slammed the door in the middle-of-the-night silence. "Dude," she yelped. "Dude, dudedudedudedu—"

"—Sorry, sorry" he cringed, and Stiles was squinting at him.

Katherine glanced around and uneasily swung her bat up onto her shoulder.

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