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"They're taking her to the animal clinic?" Kira guessed as the four almost ran right into each other.

"Yeah, to see if Deaton can figure out what's wrong with her," Liam panted while nodding.

"What's wrong with her is that she killed two people," Lydia rolled her eyes. "Her Father and — according to Parrish — her psychiatrist."

"It's true," Katherine grimaced lightly. "I saw the photos on Dad's desk when I stopped by at lunch to say hi."

Lydia grimaced and patted her shoulder in response.

"Isn't there anyone else we can talk to?" Kira asked none of them in particular, her tone full of worry. Liam shook his head and subconsciously looked down at Katherine. "Does she still have a mom? Any family?"

"Alpha," Lydia stated. It wasn't even a question. "If she's a werewolf, she has an Alpha, right?" Katherine nodded slowly at the thought. "Anyone know if a new one has moved into Beacon Hills?"

"No," Kira shook her head, a small grin forming on her lips. "But there's an old one. One of the oldest." Both her and Lydia turned to look at the other two expectantly. "We know her," Kira continued.

Liam clenched his jaw as the realization of what they were hinting at set in. "And her pack."


Katherine, Liam and Mason had taken the bus over to Devonford Prep as soon as the last bell had rung. They'd almost had to drag Liam kicking and screaming out of the school, but they'd gotten on the bus nevertheless.

Roughly half way through their fifteen minute walk from the bus stop to the school — they'd gotten off on the wrong stop — Katherine had started complaining her feet hurt. She'd grown so annoying that Liam had almost been forced by Mason, who claimed he was 'too weak', to give her a piggy-back the rest of the way.

As they made their way onto the lacrosse field, Katherine still happily on Liam's back with her arms hooked around his neck, she let out a content sigh. "I could get used to this," she grinned.

That was when Liam dropped her.

Mason burst into a fit of laughter as Katherine flailed mid-air, letting out a startled yelp as she landed right on her bum. "Oh you asshole," she pouted, rubbing her tailbone as she sat up. "That was just mean."

"So sorry," Liam snickered, holding out a hand for her. "It was an accident."

Rolling her eyes, Katherine allowed him to pull her up before the three walked around the bleachers and onto the field where she immediately spotted Brett, running around during practice. He was shirtless — something she'd noticed he was every chance he got — and was clearly the best player on the field.

The three slowed to a stop, Katherine standing between Liam and Mason — who were both taller than her by at least three inches now — and watched as Liam folded his arms over his chest.

"So he's a werewolf too?" Mason grinned.

"Yup," Liam grumbled.

Katherine smiled over at Brett as he shot her a wink, his lacrosse stick over his shoulders as he caught his breath. "A flirty one, at that," she rolled her eyes lightly, not taking her eyes off of him.

"This just gets better and better," Mason grinned, clearly ogling.

Ignoring Liam, who was grumbling something under his breath, Katherine cupped her hands around her mouth. "Oi! Brett! Get your ass over here!"

Liam gently smacked her arm. "Language," he warned quietly.

Katherine rolled her eyes and jogged forwards the two steps it took for her to reach Brett, then gave him a light flick on the arm, which she knew he wouldn't feel. "What the hell took you so long, man?"

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