Show Me Prologue

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"You are mine" he says "Zaden", I growl , he was really pushing my buttons now. "Don't do that" he growls I look up into his eyes and see pure lust. "Don't do what"? I ask trying to look as innocent as possible. "My name" he says, I look at him confused, he takes a deep breath obviously trying to control his wolf. "My name" he pants "don't growl my name like that". I give him a curios look "like what like this" he gives me a warning look, but I continue "Zaden" I growl arching my back pressing my chest against his knowing he loves that. "Ella" he says waning me to stop and firmly holding my waist and looking in my eyes I look back in his and see him trying to gain control his eyes switching from black to a piercing blue to his normal green blue eyes then I start to grind against him and moan "Zaaaddeennnn" then he tenses and pushes me against the wall "I thought" inhale "I told you" inhale "not to" inhale "do that" exhale I look up innocently with a smirk " you told me not to growl not to moan" he growls then I feel his erection how did I not notice it before " get out I'm about to loose control" he says I stand there and put my hands on his neck "GET. OUT" I stand there and whispered the only thing that I was think all day when he was driving and his muscles were clenching and unclenching I growled and said "Show me".

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