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        Looking out the window I can see the mail truck pulling away.  Quickly I jump up and race outside hoping to get that one letter I've dreamed about since i was a little girl!  Looking inside of the mailbox I see there is something!  I pull out a letter with my name on it from LSU!!  Yes!!!!  I did it I actually made it!

        I guess I should tell you about myself.  My name is Peyton Lily and I am a senior in high school just accepted at LSU!  That's why I am so excited.  You see my family is not rich or poor we are I guess in the lower end of middle class and it was always a dream of my family for me to go to LSU.  Everyone else went there and it would be a disapointment if I don't, but for the last couple of years my parents didn't quite have the money to send me.  So, I had to work extra hard in school and earn a scholarship there.

        My family is super excited and we went for a celebratory dinner to my favorite place... Olive Garden!! Even all of my siblings showed up!  I have 4 brothers: Jax and Pax which are twins and Jake they are the older ones I have a younger brother too named Reed.  I have one older sister named Summer.  Now I just have to tell my best friend Hagan.


       " Hagan! Hagan! Guess What?"  I ask my best friend.

        "What Pey?" ahe answers.

        "I just got accepted to LSU!"  I scream at her not realizing she is stamding there looking upset.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay Hags (haygs)? What happened? Who did this to you? Was it Mason again? Man I hate that kid! I told you to stay-" I was cut off.

"I'm fine Peyt its just I got my letter today and I was rejected from LSU."  she says sadly.

"What no they can't just decline you like that! This was our dream to go together Hagan. Now I am going to be friendless and a loser and you will have no college to go to."

"Well in better news I got accepted to Michigan State so I will be going there in the fall. I'm sorry Peyt I know this isn't what you wanted and we will still be able to communicate over the phone and on facebook and other social medias."

"Well Yeah, but it won't be the same! We had it all planned out. We were going to room with each other in an apartment outside of campus and just have the best time living life as a freshman once again." i say equally as sad. I have no idea what I am going to do Hagan's parents are rich and they were going to pay our rent for us. Until an idea comes to my mind!

''Why don't I just apply for Mich State and then go from there!" I say not happy about it, but we have to stick together.

"No you can't do this. I know how much this means to you. Now let's watch a movie and eat some ice cream wasting our summer away."


Today is the day I leave for college.  It is a ten hour drive from my house and I have to leave quickly if I want to avoid traffic. 

"I will miss you so much keep in contact and call every day!" my mom says to me. I will miss her the most out of everyone, since really no one can replace a mom.

"You know I don't say goodbye so see you soon amiga!" Hagan says crying. for some reason Hagan doesn't like to say goodbye. I think it is because of how she feels as if you won't come back if she does and it is like a parting type of thing to someone you won't see again.  That's my reason why I don't say goodbye.

Once everyone is finished my dad packs the last thing in my car and I'm off.

12 hours later I am exhausted and just want to stay in my room. I stopped 4 times to pee and the rest of the 2 hour difference I was either sleeping, eating, or stuck in traffic.  Finally I step foot in the place of my dreams I can just tell This will be great!

Comment what you think and like! Don't forget to hit the read button! I have another book too that I want to see how popular it gets, but for now this one is my favorite!

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