Chapter 7

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        Ahh...  The wonderful new morning has finally come.  The beautiful sunlight and birds chirping in the distance is just wonder-   Oh Crap!  Was what Luke said last night real life, or just a dream?  It was so late I can barely remember.  I'm sure it was just a dream.  Let's just pretend it's a dream, because I'm not to sure. 

        I pull on my favorite outfit which is big, baggy sweatpants and a LSU sweatshirt.  Comfy and alitte bit stylish.  What?  Lots of the girls on campus wear stuff like this all the time.  Grabbing my favorite sweatshirt I walk to the door.  It is 9:30 AM!  Man, I love sleeping in!  Jess already left.  She told me that she had work today at the local school bookstore.  I open the door and step outside.  Owwie!  What did I just step on?  Oh my God!  It's Luke!  Why is he here?  Especially sleeping on the floor in front of my dorm?  The only thing I can think of is last night was real!  This is terrible!  What am I supposed to do now?

        "LUKE!"  I yell in his ear.  He jumps up right away hitting his head on the door.  In any other situation this would be funny, but after last night I really don't feel like laughing.  Luke is looking around the hall like trying to find the cause of all the noise.  Stupid Shortness! 

        "Hello... Down here."  I say waving my hand in front of his face.  "Peyton?  What am I doing n front of your dorm?  Why was I here?"  He asks me.  Oh my God... He doesn't remember.  I think painfully.  He can't remember confessing his love for me and everything that happened last night is gone.  My mouth is open in shock.  I decide not to tell him anything and if he remembers to figure it out on his own.

        "Luke, I have no idea.  I just walked out into the hall and accidently stepped on you."  I tell him.  I feel so much guilt and pain for this.  Luke sits down on the ground and I sit next to him.

        "I can't remember anything.  Why was I here?  This is so confusing."  Luke tells me putting his face in his hands.  I put an arm around him so we are hugging trying to comfort him for some unknown reason.  My brain is telling me to pull back my arm and my heart is telling me to leave it be.  It's like having an internal battle with yourself, and the worst kind.

        "Oh good!  You guys sorted everything out!  I'm so happy for you two!  You make such a cute couple!"  A girl that lives down the hall from me says to us.  Oh my God.  It actually did happen.  He did tell me that last night and if she heard who knew who else did.  Everyone wanted to date Luke.  He was the famous school football player.

        "Oh my God."  Luke and I say at the same time. 

        "You remember?"  I ask him.  "Now I do." he says scratching his neck and looking down.  He looks very nervous and embarrased.  I feel really sorry for him. 

        "It's okay Luke.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.  You were just saying your feelings."  I tell him with a smile.  Luckily no one is in the hallway with us anymore, so nobody is hearing this conversation.

        "Sorry about that.  I'm serious though.  I will do anything and I mean anything to have you be mine."  He whispers into my ear and kisses my neck walking away.  It leaves me stunned.  Standing there in the hallway for what seems to be hours, but is only 10 minutes.

        "Woah!  Man if I would have a guy like that I would have no problem lettung him go after me.  So what's your deal.  Why is he so intent on having you?  And why aren't you letting him?"  The girl in the room next to me, Kayla, asks me.

        "It's very complicated."  I reply shaking my head.

        "Well I've got time, so go on."  she says checking her phone.  I then tell her all about how I am fake-dating Brandon and that we are using each other.  I also tell her about Luke and what he did last night.

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