Chapter 12

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Luke and I are driving on the highway humming softly to random songs on the radio. Suddenly my stomach feels like it's about to blow or something.

''Luke, I'm hungry. Can we stop somewhere?'' I ask him trying to keep the growl in my food box. That would be so embarrasing if it actually did growl!

''Sure. Look around and see if there is a place to stop. Otherwise I can just pull off the highway at an exit.'' He says never taking his eyes off the road. There isn't many cars at this part of the highway and I would say we are in the middle of nowhere. The trees are dried and dead and there is sand everwhere. I wonder exactly what state we are in? I wasn't paying attention to any signs or anything. Trying to sleep does that to you. Luckily I am not driving.

Up ahead, I see some type of place. Possibly an exit! Woohoo! ''Luke! There is an exit! Turn off!'' I scream practically bouncing in my seat for joy of the possible food awaiting me. Man I love food.

''Okay. Okay. We will get off. Don't bounce out of the car there.'' He says chuckling and taking his eyes of the road to stare into mine.

''Hey Luke. What state are we in?'' I ask him after I am done with my craziness. I stare at his well defined jaw. He really is the hottest guy I've ever met. Even hotter than Channing Tatum and he is hard to beat.

"We are in Mississippi. We should get to Michigan in 3 days. Depending on traffic and such we might get there earlier or hopefully not, later.'' He says back. Now we are on a country road riding somewhere in Mississippi. I actually like this. Sitting in a car with the guy I love and just driving. Maybe we will do this more often in Luke's offseason.

''Luke, look at that cute diner! Let's go in.'' I get all excited again seeing the old run down diner. Something like this you see in almost every street corner in my hometown. Best part is, they don't compete for each other's customers and everyone goes to a different one every Sunday after church. Giving all of them equal business, since they are all equally great. Makes me miss my small town.

''Alright. Reminds me of the stores in your hometown.'' Luke says smiling. ''That's what I thought too. Exactly why I chose it.'' I reply thinking of my home.

''You really love home, huh?'' He asks and I look at him sort of shocked. How did he know what I was thinking of? ''I can tell from the dreamy look in your eyes. You look up to the ceiling all doe-like and slightly smile. Peyt, it's a compliment. Not all of us love our hometowns or even have a place to call home.'' He says getting slightly bitter at the end. I wonder why he doesn't like his home? Should I ask? Probably not. He seems to have some unresolved and mixed feelings about that and I don't want him mad at me.

''I'm hungry! Get me my food!'' I demand him pulling him out of the car as soon as we park and into the building. ''Umf.'' I hear Luke grunt after he hits the door. Oops...

''Sorry Luke!'' I say and continue pulling him into the resteraunt where everyone is looking at us. Talk about awkward. This is more awkward than when Max decided to confess his love for me. I just shly smile and slightly wave walking over to a table.

We order our food and head out. Luckily, the people stopped looking at us constantly and we could eat without feeling awkward. Luke and I are almost in Michigan and I'm getting even more excited to see Hagan and see Luke win!

"Hey Luke!" one of his teamates yells when we get there. "Coach is looking for you inside the stadium. We are doing warm-ups and then some stretching before a light practice." he says. I think his name is Josh.

"I'm going inside. Just got to the hotel and I'll call you when I need you to pick me up." Luke tells me. I nod and start to head towards his truck when someone yells, "Peyton!"


I'm not back yet. I just had time and finished this chap. Sorry if that disappoints you.


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