Chapter 11

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        ''Luke!  Why would you hit Max?'' I scream at him. ''I know he was being a jerk and stuff, but you didn't have to hit him!''  Luke looks at me sadly.  Almost like I didn't understand.  I hear footsteps rushing downstairs.  Oh God!  It's my brothers!  Jax looks super angry and is glaring at Luke like he killed someone.  I hope he doesn't hurt him!  Luke just got angry!

        ''I hit him because he was disrespecting you and acting like I was a scumbag!''  Luke screams back at me.  ''What the hell, man?  What were you saying to my sister that made Luke so angry?'' Jake asks Max. 

        ''I told her what were talking about last night.''  Max says back to Jake, his eyes boring into mine.  Wait!  What were they talking about?  And why did it include me? 

        ''Stop staring at my girlfriend like that.'' Luke says to Max pulling me behind him so Max can't look at me anymore.  I have to admit, it was getting a little creepy and awkward.

        Eventually after about five minutes of the boys just glaring at one another, I grabbed Luke's arm and pulled him outside to his car to get breakfast.

        The rest of the day went smooth.  We never went back to my parent's house until dinner and even then we just grabbed food and left.  Luke and I are staying at a hotel with the promise to text my Dad a photo of the two beds, (but preferably two rooms).  What can I say?  My Dad will still be like that even after I am married.  Which won't be for probably another fifty years, since he said I can't get married until I'm 70.  Hopefully he comprimises a little bit and changes to 30.

        ''Luke can you take a shower first?  I have to send this photo to my Dad.''  I ask him looking at my phone.  ''Why don't we just take a shower together?'' he whispers coming up behind me causing me to yelp.

        ''I don't think my dad would approve of that.  Don't you think Mr. Loole?'' I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck and we fall onto the bed. 

        ''I love you.''  I hear him whisper.  Oh my God!  I can't believe this!  I just sit there and stare at Luke with my mouth open like a goat. 

        ''You know what?  I am going to take that shower now.'' Luke says gently pushing me off of him and walking to the bathroom with a bright red blush on his cheeks.

        ''Wait!  Luke!  I love you too!''  I run up to him and hug him tight.

        ''I love you too.'' I whisper caressing his cheek.  Leaning up I kiss him on the lips.  It was a light kiss, but it means so much.  The best part about how we said I love you to one another is we said because we meant it.  It wasn't just a spur-in-the-moment thing or while having sex.  We said it to one another at what I feel is the best time.  I am forever grateful for that.  That night I had another great sleep full of crazy adventures of me and Luke together.

        Waking up next to the love of your life is the best feeling.  Enough to get you through the day without being depressed or nasty to anyone.  That's why when married people are nasty to others you know their marriage isn't doing so well.  They must not love each other.  True love that lasts literally a lifetime is hard to come by, but when you actually find it, it's the best feeling in the world.

        ''Good Morning.''  I say to Luke when his eyes flutter open and arms tighten around my waist.

        ''A very Good Morning.''  Luke says back smiling and kisses me.  ''Woah!  I think it's a little too early for that.  I have morning breath too.'' I giggle and cover my mouth as I talk.

        ''I don't care about your morning breath.'' he says uncovering my mouth and kissing me hard.  My arms wrap around his neck and into his hair.  I pull slightly on his hair as he squeezes my hips gently.  We stay this way for a while until finally I pull away to find it's 10 A.M. 

        "Luke, we have to go!''  I say to him with my eyes widening starting to rush out of bed.  ''It's 10 o'clock!  Hurry Luke!''  I start slipping on my clothes as fast as I can for just waking up twenty minutes ago. 

        Today, Luke and I are going to my parents once more and then we are starting to head for Michigan State.  Luckily we didn't tell my parents an exact time we were getting there.

        We rush to the car after waiting in line to check out for ten minutes!  Ugh!  People these days just can't work fast anymore!  We didn't even wait for a valet to pick our car up, just ran into the parking garage.  Finally we find Luke's car and jump in.  Luke already had the car started and almost out of the parking garage by the time I got in. 

        This traffic is crazy!  I swear my little town has never had this much traffic in its whole history!  Everyone must be going to the same place.  All Luke is doing is cursing every couple seconds.  I think I heard more curses than I did even in high school!  I even learned a couple new ones!

        Luke does some type of crazy U turn and we are going the opposite way now.  That was very much illegal, by the way.  I decide to call my parents and tell them we are just going straight to Michigan.  At this rate with traffic we might not even make the game in time.

        i dial their phone number, ''Mom,  Luke and I are skipping your house and just getting on with our trip.  I'm sorry we couldn't say goodbye.'' I say frowning genuinely sad.  Unlike a lot of young people my age, I actually enjoy talking to my parents.  ''Peyton you are leaving without a goodbye!''  I hear my dad say from the other line. 

        "I'm sorry, Daddy!  We have to get going or Luke might miss his game!''  I tell him truthfully.  ''Okay sweetheart, have a good time.  Love you!''  He says back.

        ''Bye Dad!  Love you too!  Watch the game in two days!  Bye Mom!''  I say to them through the phone.  ''Bye Peyton.  Bye Luke!''  I hear her say.  ''Take care of my daughter or else, Loole.  You hear me?  Football superstar or not you aren't getting any special treatment from me.'' My dad threatens.  Luke's ego is now through the roof of this truck from my dad's complement.  Even if my dad didn't mean it as a complement.  I'm just glad my two favorite guys get along.

        ''I will Mr. Miller.  Don't worry about that at all!''  He says back with his smile never leaving his face.  ''Oh and Luke?'' my dad says.  ''Yeah?'' Luke says back.  ''Make sure your friend takes care of my other daughter.  He gets the same threat.'' 

        "I will have Peyton text him, since I am driving, right after this, sir.''  He says back with his eyes still on the road in front of us, finally the traffic gone.  ''Thank you Luke and Good Luck at your game.''

        ''Thank You.'' and with that we hang up.

        For a good four hours we pass the time by singing crazy Taylor Swift songs in weird voices.  Neither one of us has a good natural voice...  Haha!  I do have to say Luke is the worst of both of us.  At least I can hold a tune half decent.  Luke can rap, though.  That is one thing I just can't do.  He said to me that he was hoping I could be the next Nicki Minaj and he could be Drake.  He said we could be the new power couple.

        Couple.  I like the sound of that word.  I'm even happier that it is me and Luke that can say that.  I just cannot picture myself with anyone else.  He just makes me so happy. 

        Staring at him probably like a stalker as he watches the road singing to Iggy Azalea, I grab his hand and sing along as we drive towards Michigan.  Watch out Michigan!  Peyton and Luke are on their way!


i hope everyone likes this chapter.  i was at home sick today so i decided to finish this one and upload another chap.  my deal with dedicating the next chap still stands.  i just need somebody to comment!  dont be shy! just please comment!


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