Chapter 13

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I can't believe it! It really is Hayden! Being away from her for all these months really was hard, but now it is all worth it. I finally have my best friend back!

"Hayden!" I scream. "I have missed you so much and I can't wait for you to meet Luke!" I say to her.

"I cannot wait to meet him either. Peyton, I have so much to tell you! So much has changed since we have seen each other." She is almost bouncing with joy as we hug like we never will see each other again.

"Why don't we talk about it over a coffee. I just spent like 3 days driving. I need a coffee, especially in the car with Luke. He is constantly talking. Haha! He is fine, just drives like an old granny. So, what's a good coffee shop around here?"

After what seemed like only minutes, I looked at the clock to see I had to be at the stadium in thirty minutes! 

 ''Hayden, I have to hurry back to the stadium.  Thanks for everything!  I had such a fun time talking to you!''  I say to her starting to get up.

''Peyt, I have to go to the stadium too!  I am dating one of the players!''  She says excitedly.

''Oh cool.  We can go together then.  I doubt our tickets will be together.  I think I am sitting in the LSU section.  You are probably sitting in the student section.''  I said to her sadly.

''That's okay!  We can always meet after the game and maybe our boyfriends will become best friends like us!''  She says laughing.  ''Chase isn't very friendly to other players, but maybe I can say something to knock some sense into him.''

We headed off to the game and got our tickets.  My ticket was actually a field all-access pass that let me be basically on the sideline!  I was super excited about that!  Hayden's ticket was in the student section like I thought.

As we walked in together, people were staring at us weirdly and I wouldn't understand why until after the game.  I even looked at us wondering if maybe our shirts were see through or our pants were low.  We were both wearing the jerseys Luke and Chase gave to us and cute leggings.

The game went fast and was very nail-biting.  Michigan scored first to make it 7-0 and then in the second quarter Luke had a running TD as a quarterback which is very impressive to make it 7-7.  I gota text from my Dad about that. 

Being on the sideline is awesome!  Even if it was a little awkward having one of the LSU players grab you so you don't get knocked down by a wide reciever.

In the second half the game got even closer with it being 21-21 at the end of the 3rd.  Luke needs another TD very badly. 

Right now it is the end of the 4th with 20 seconds to go.  The score is still 21-21.  Michigan has the ball at the 30 with 3rd and 3 to go.  We need to hold them off for another play and get the ball back. 

The Michigan quarterback calls the play and the ball is snapped to him.  He throws the ball down to a seemingly wide open Michigan player, when one of the LSU players come out of nowhere and intercepts the ball running down the field!  He goes past the 50, the 40, the 30, the 20 and is getting closer to the endzone when an illegal hit is made.  The LSU player falls to the ground at the 17 yard line.  Everyone cheering for LSU is in uproar!  The refs never called it and the play starts on the 17.

Of course there were almost fights and everyting, but the fact is; a ref will not change his call once he made it.  The refere ruled it a legal interception and legal tackle.  There really is no use fighting about it because they will just get more angry at your team and you.

Finally, Luke runs onto the field with a super angry expression that I never saw before and never want to see again.  There is 12 seconds left.  Just enough to make a play. 

They should really only need one or two passes, but the Michigan defense is good!  Soon it becomes 4th down and 4 on the 13 yard line.  The kicker comes out and kicks the field goal perfectly making the score 24-21!  LSU wins!

The entire team rushes out to the field jumping on Luke's and the kicker's backs.  I jump up and down screaming for him and the entire team.  This win is very important for them to make it to a bowl game. 

Luke finally rushes over to me and gives me a long kiss.  Luckily there was no cameras around!  I am just so happy for them, but at the same time feel just a bit remorse for Hayden and her boyfriend.

After awile the team comes back out to where I am waiting for them.  Hayden invited Luke and I to meet her boyfriend and her at a club on Main Street.  I see Luke and Brandon making there way to me through the crowd.  I never did tell Luke that Hayden's boyfriend was on the Michigan team.  I didn't want to risk having them being enemies or anything and Luke not wanting to go to the club with me.  Hopefully that was the right decision...

We pull up to the club after changing from our game clothes into club clothes.  Unlike other clubs, this one is 20 and under.  You have to be at least 18 and there is no alcohol.  So Luke and Brandon won't get in trouble with anyone for going here.

The club does not look completely packed, but not empty either.  A perfect medium. 

When we walk into the club, I spot Hayden instantly.  She was with a guy who had blond hair and a very muscular build.  He was probably 6'2' and not too scary looking like some football players I met the past couple of weeks.

''Hey Girl!  You look so pretty!'' Hayden yells to me across the club.  I wave blushing now that the attention is on us.  Glancing at Luke I see his jaw set and he is glaring past me.  Oh God.  I look to see who he is glaring at and the person is glaring just as hard back.  It is Hayden's boyfriend. 

''You.''  They both say at the same time and next thing I know I am between two testoterone filled guys.


so i uploaded again....  hopefully now that i dont have games for a while i can upload often.. im not promising anything....


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