The Letter

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       You were the anchor that kept my feel on the ground, I was the wings that kept your heart in the clouds.  


Dear Chresanto,

           Money, some people so poor, all they think about is money. And diamonds, some people waste their life counting their thousands. I don't care what they offering, how much gold they bring, they can't afford what we had. They can offer me the world but I found the world in you. By the time you get this, you will already have heard the news. I'm sorry It had to end this way. I adore you still. But nothing can hold me, it's my time to go. You always told me, if you walk out the door one day and not return, not to cry over you but to celebrate your life. And right now, I think you should take your own advice.. I feel like the time we had together was so short. You made me believe that true love does exist. I told myself I wouldnt cry while writing this but I can't help it. I love you so much. Here I am, sitting in the middle of the woods, hiding from a potential murderer, crying. Every moment I spent with you was a minute well spent. Everytime i went out with you, you always found a way to make me smile.We had alot of great times. Like when we went to the buffet and the waiter was hitting on me and you got jealous so you sprayed water in his face. Or the times we'd go to the movies and sat waaaaaay in the back and threw popcorn at people during the previews. When the person turned around you told me to duck so they wouldn't see us. I tried so hard to contain my laughter. We got cought  tho. The lady that was sitting next to us snitched. So the manager kicked us out and you started screaming. Every morning you were the first person I thought about and everynight, I fell asleep thinking about you. You made me laugh, like all the time. When you wrapped your big strong arms around me and kissed my forehead I got this tingly feeling in my stomache. I guess that was god's way of telling me you were the one. From the moment you spoke to me, I was under this lovestruck spell. We always talked about what our kids would look like and what we would name them. We said we would have two twin girls. Zanaya and Zaniah and a little boy. I said I was going to name him after you but you always told me no. That you didn't want him following in your footsteps. I even remember our first fight. You were high as hell at ray's house. I told you I had to leave but you couldn't hear a word I said. You opened up my mind and helped me see life in a whole new perspective. You made me feel beautiful, like I actually mattered in this lonely place called earth. Whenever I talked, you listened. Even when you didn't want to. I still remember the first time we met. And that day we skipped class and went to the park. We got in trouble but, it was worth it. You were my best friend, my partner in crime. You know I would've done anything for you. I would put my right hand on the bible and lie for you. You meant so much to me.  When you cried I'd wipe away all your tears. When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears. Look at me, rhyming like Dr. Suess. I'm sure time will heal your wounds, eventually you'll get older, meet someone new, settle down, have children. I hope they have you dimples, and your smile. That smile helped me get through alot. It assured me that I was safe, protected. Don't forget about me babyboy. Whenever your feeling lonely talk to me, I may not be there physically but even from my grave I'll be listening. Save a spot for me in your heart and I'll save a spot for you in heaven. I love you.

                                                                                                                Your baby,

                                                                                                                      Lenesha <3

(a/n: thank you to Queenkay__ for the idea)

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