Mind Games

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Lenesha: c'mon it's a nice day! Let's go to the park.

Chresanto: *shrugs* ok, to the park or bust!

The only reason I didn't want to go to my house yet was because.......

Chresanto: hellr!

Lenesha: huh?

Chresanto: why you thinking so hard?

Lenesha: oh.... Nothing.

Chresanto: your lying.

Lenesha: you only known me for a day, how do you know im lying.

Chresanto: idk, I can just sense these things ya know? Im superman!

Lenesha: your funny. *poke his arm*

Chresanto: oh im funny? You were literally gonna cry, *whinning voice* are you sure were not gonna get cought?

Lenesha: shut up! I am not a criminal. The law it on my side!

Chresanto: oh, ooooook.

Lenesha: *scrunches up her face* oh wow, were here!

Chresanto: race you to the swings!

Lenesha: your on!

~chresanto's pov~

wow lenesha is really pretty. The way her hair sways in the wind when she runs. She's like my best friend, even though I met her today. We have a lot in common, but I feel as if she's hiding something from me. Every time I bring up her house, she always makes an excuse not to go.

(A/n he's getting warmer!)

Well, idk. Maybe she doesn't want me to meet her family. Maybe she's a murdered on the run and lenesha jackson is the name she uses so people won't reconize her! Yea that's it! I've got to find those bodies! i'll get a thousand dollar reward! I'll be rich and pay some one to have my kids for me!

Lenesha: chresanto! Hello?! *snapping in his face*

Chresanto: yea wassup?

Lenesha: I asked you if you wanted some ice cream.

Chresanto: huh? Oh yea! Vanilla with rainbow sprinkle.

(A/n mines too! High five

Chresanto: uh..... No)

Lenesha: be back in 10.

Chresanto: ok.

Lenesha: try not to miss me.

Chresanto: i'll manaj.

I had to talk to someone about this. I pulled out my iphone and texted ray. I knew he was in school but, he'll be ok.

#Teamlightskin: yo ray, hows it going man?

RaYtHeMaN: gud. In science, teacher borin da hell outta mhe. Where you @?

#Teamlightskin: im @ da park.

RaYtHeMaN: why u ain't in class nigga?

#Teamlightskin: we sorta snuck out.

RaYtHeMaN: who's "we". You and who?

#Teamlightskin: I juss met her 2dai, she got the package.

RaYtHeMaN: question: who was,the 16th president? And wow you lucky.

#Teamlightskin: abe lincoln, and yup I have, im finna get some. But I feel as if she's hiding something from me. Something, important. But everytime I say we should go to her house she makes up an excuse and trys to suggest some where else to go.

The Daughter Of M.J (a Micheal Jackson/mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now