Episode 5 - Assault

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Brody and Debbie had their first date. Debbie and Brody kissed. Ollie arrived with his mother.

Debbie is in her bedroom blasting music and singing along to 'Halsey - Bad At Love' when a stone hits her bedroom window and she stands up and walks to her bedroom window and opens her window to see Brody down below holding a bunch of flowers and he says "Morning" Debbie smiles "Hey Brody, what are you doing?" Brody says "I come with a gift, can I come in?" Debbie smirks "I'll come down to you just gimme a minute" and Brody nods.

Luke is making breakfast when Scarlett walks into the kitchen and says "Mm something smells nice, you always were a great cook" Luke smiles "It's only pancakes Scar" Scarlett smiles. Debbie walks in and Scarlett says "Oh here she is. Hey Sweetie" Debbie glares at Scarlett and she says "Dad I gotta go Brody's outside he's waiting on me" Luke says "What about your Breakfast?" Debbie picks up a pancake from the plate and says "Happy?" and she walks out of the flat.

Oliver is kicking a football against the wall outside in the parking lot of The Dog In The Pond when a older man walks towards him and smiles at him cunningly "Shouldn't you be at school?" Oliver freezes "Yeah I'm going later" The man nods and says "I hated school aswell, so where's your parents?" Oliver says "At the flat" the man nods "C'mon I wanna show you something" Oliver says "I really shouldn't" The man nods "Very well" and he walks away.

Brody and Debbie are sitting on the sofa in The coffee shop with Brody with his arm draped over Debbie's shoulders and they are laughing and Brody says "I'm being serious" and Debbie smirks "I believe you" and they kiss. When Oliver walks in and walks to Debbie and Brody "Oh hey Ollie, Shouldn't you be at school?" Oliver smirks "I'm skipping school today" Brody asks "Who's this?" Debbie says "Oh sorry Brody this is Ollie my baby Brother and Ollie this is my Boyfriend Brody" Brody nods "Hey" Oliver nods "Hiya".

Oliver is sitting in an allotment when The older man who was talking to him before walks in and says "Hello again" Oliver smiles up at The man "Hi, I was just going" The man says "Sit down kid I don't bite" and Oliver sits back down and The man sits beside Oliver and after a moment of silence places his hand on Olivers knee making Oliver uncomfortable.

Debbie walks into Brody's house and looks around and says "Sweet" and Brody kisses Debbie and Brody leads Debbie into the bedroom and Debbie falls back on the bed and Brody kicks the door shut.

Brody and Debbie are holding hands and are walking through the village when Brody sees Damon and says "I better go babe" Debbie nods "Okay Brody Talk to you later" Brody nods "Definitely Beautiful" and they kiss.

Oliver walks into the flat with a numb facial expression and Scarlett says "Hey Honey" but he ignores her and walks straight to his bedroom causing Scarlett to worry.

Debbie is texting on her phone walking through the alley when Kyle walks up to her "Can we talk?" Debbie barges past him "Get away from me Kyle. I have nothing to say to you!" Kyle follows Debbie "Please" Debbie deeply exhales "Fine but you've only got 5 minutes"

Debbie and Kyle walk into The Restaurant and they both sit down at a table and Debbie says "and your 5 minutes starts" Kyle says "I'm so sorry for everything I put you through" Debbie folds her arms across her chest and says "Is that it?" Kyle says "Would you just hear me out?" Debbie says "What do you want me to hear out Kyle huh? That you cheated on me or that you punched me" "I know I done some awful shit to you but I'm trying to redeem myself I'm sorry" he says with tears beginning to form in his brown eyes and she shakes her head and says "What? You think you can say sorry and show some tears that I'll forgive you! You attacked me! You were in jail for assault! Keep away from me" and she storms out of the restaurant.

Damon is standing behind the bar when The older man who touched Oliver inappropriately walks in and Damon's face falls and The older man says "Alright Son" "Dad?"

Brody finds out Busters has arrived. Luke and Debbie have a heart to heart. Scarlett and Debbie clash.

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