Episode 6 - Best Behaviour

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Buster Smith arrived. Brody met Oliver. Buster groomed Oliver.
Debbie didn't forgive Kyle.

Scarlett knocks on Oliver's bedroom door holding a plate of buttered toast and "Ollie I've made breakfast" Oliver is sitting in a corner of his bedroom with his legs pressed up to his chest and is crying.

Luke, Mandy, Ella and Debbie are sitting around the kitchen table eating breakfast when Debbie says "Look Dad all I'm saying is you give Brody a chance that's all" Luke looks at at Debbie "Tell you what, bring Brody over tomorrow night and we'll all have dinner" Debbie smiles and asks "Seriously?" Luke nods "Sure" and Debbie smirks and kisses Luke's cheek and says "Thanks Dad".

Brody walks into his house that he shares with Damon and he shouts "Hey Damo! Come on we're gonna be late!" Buster walks down the staircase "Well well long time no see Brody" Brody's face falls "Bust- what are you doing here?!" Buster says "I came here for my Son, why you so surprised to see me?" Brody storms out of the house.

Debbie is walking through the village and sees Cleo she grins "Hey Cleo" Cleo smiles "Hiya where have you been hiding?" Debbie chuckles "Yeah I've been busy sorry" Cleo says "Do you have time for a coffee?" Debbie links her arm with Cleo's "Sure c'mon we're in need of a catch up" and they both walk towards Esther's Magic Bean.

Scarlett walks to Luke and Mandy and says "Ollie won't come out of his room, I'm getting worried now" Luke says "I can have a word if you want" Mandy looks through Scarlett and Luke walks towards his bedroom and knocks on the bedroom door and Oliver says "Leave me alone" Luke looks taken back at his son's harshness and Luke steps back from the door.

Debbie and Cleo are in Esther's Magic Bean drinking a cup of coffee while sitting on a sofa "So you and Brody huh?" Debbie giggles "Yeah, he's not what everyone thinks. Everybody thinks that he's a player and a bit of an ass but he's honestly not. Brody's a wee sweetheart" Cleo smiles "I'm glad you've finally found someone you're happy with not like that Kyle what a Prick he was" Debbie nods "Don't I know" Brody walks in and he looks distracted Cleo nudges Debbie and motions her head towards Brody. Debbie smiles "I'll be back in a minute" and Debbie stands up and walks towards Brody and places her arms behind his neck "Hey you" He smiles at her "Hey Beautiful" and Brody kisses her "I'm gonna get a coffee" Debbie nods "Oh by the way My Dad has invited you to dinner tomorrow night" Brody smiles "Oh has he now? So I guess I need to be on my best behaviour" and Debbie giggles.

Oliver is in his bedroom and is crying uncontrollably and rocks back and forth.

Debbie walks into the flat when Luke and Scarlett are arguing "What's going on?" Luke sighs and says "Ollie won't come out of his room, we've all tried even Ella he just won't budge" Debbie frowns "Do you think he's ok?" Scarlett scoffs "Of course he's alright, he's just doing what teenagers do - act out" Debbie says "What do you know?" Scarlett says "More than you!" Debbie says "If you say so" and Debbie walks away into her bedroom and slams the bedroom door causing Luke and Scarlett to flinch at the slam of the door.

Brody begins to act strange. Debbie worries for Ollie and Brody. Brody goes to The Morgan's for dinner.

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