Episode 8 - Nightmare

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Brody wasn't happy seeing Buster. Brody stood up for Debbie. Debbie enticed Ollie out of his room.

Debbie and Brody are outside 'The Dog In The Pond' sitting at the bench outside and Brody holds Debbie's hand across the table and says "I'm sorry about last night, what I did was wrong" Debbie shakes her head and says "No my Mum was the one in the wrong" "Why do you let her talk that way to you?" Debbie deeply exhales "It's just when she's had too much to drink she can be a nightmare" and Debbie smiles "But thank you for sticking up for me, it was sweet and kinda sexy" Brody chuckles and leans over and kisses Debbie.

Scarlett is laying on the sofa drinking a bottle of vodka when Mandy walks in and asks "What is going on?!" Scarlett scoffs "Oops caught" Mandy grabs the bottle of vodka out of Scarlett's tight grip "I want you gone!" Scarlett stands up "Well that isn't going to happen" and Mandy clutches at the vodka bottle in anger and asks "and why is that?" Scarlett laughs and says "You blondes really are stupid! Luke still loves me, why do you think he let me crash here. It's only just a matter of time before he dumps your pathetic weak ass and comes crawling back to me!" and Mandy gasps and slaps Scarlett across the face sending Scarlett to fall back on the sofa.

Debbie is walking with Brody and Debbie says "Oh I'm gonna pop into the florists I won't be a minute" Brody smiles "Okay but hurry" and Debbie kisses Brody and she says "You men are so impatient" as she walks into the florists and Brody chuckles. Buster appears behind Brody and says "Pretty little thing isn't she?" Brody spins around and comes face to face with Buster. "You leave her alone, keep away from her!" Buster chuckles "Or what? What are you gonna do Brody hmm?" Brody clenches his jaw but looks down and Buster says "A girl like her needs a man not some pathetic little boy like you!" Debbie walks out of the florists holding a bouquet of red roses and she smiles at Buster as she links her free arm around Brody's arm "Hey Buster" "Hiya Debra" "Its Debbie" Buster chuckles "Sorry about that. Anyway kids I better go, I'm flat hunting" Brody asks shocked "So, you're sticking around?" Buster nods and grins "Yep you betcha I wanna be closer to Damon" Debbie smiles "Ah that's nice isn't that nice Brode?" Brody says flatly "Yeah" and Buster says "Gotta go kids see ya". Debbie waves him off and Debbie says "Isn't he nice?" Brody shouts "He's not what you think he is!" and Debbie's eyes widen in shock and Brody storms off leaving a worried and concerned Debbie.

Luke walks into the flat to see Mandy and Scarlett arguing Luke says "Woah, what's going on here?" Mandy says "I want her gone Luke" Luke deeply sighs.

Ollie is standing under a bridge drinking a bottle of vodka and he sobs. Brody passed the bridge and acknowledges Ollie "Ollie, you okay mate?" Ollie laughs "I'm fine, don't worry about me, nobody else does" Brody says "C'mon I'm taking you home" Ollie says "Nah I don't wanna go home. I want to stay right here" and Brody deeply sighs.

There's a shock in store for Debbie. Luke and Mandy argue about Scarlett. Kyle finds himself in trouble and asks for Debbie's help. Brody gets drunk and tries to kill Buster.

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