Episode 13 - History

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(Authors Note: This Episode will be extra long because this will be the last episode of Season 1)

Debbie let Kyle stay in her room. Debbie clashed with Buster. Brody apologised after feeling guilt ridden for Ollie.

Brody walks into Luke and Mandy's flat  and sees the flat empty "Debz?" Brody hears a bang. Curious Brody walks towards the bedroom and opens the door to see Kyle shirtless putting on a white shirt. Brody's face clenches with anger "What are you doing here?! In my Girlfriends bedroom?!" Kyle says "Look man calm down alright. Debz she's just helping me out" Brody punches Kyle and Kyle grazes his tongue over his teeth as he can taste the blood. Kyle punches Brody and both of them scramble to the floor.

Debbie is in the restaurant and is talking to Luke and she asks "So, what happens now?" Luke says "Well since Ollie's spoke to the police and has identified Buster, today they're gonna arrest him" Debbie smiles "Good, I hope he rots inside" Luke nods and says "So do I Princess, so do I"

Debbie walks inside the flat and hears yelling and shouting so Debbie runs towards her bedroom and sees both Kyle and Brody fighting and Debbie screams "BREAK IT UP!!" Kyle looks up at Debbie and gets off of Brody. "What is going on?!" Brody stands up and says "What is he doing here?!" Debbie sighs "He needed my help, so I gave him it" Brody says "Debz, he's a asshole" Kyle scoffs "I'm right here" Brody glares at Kyle "I know" Debbie says "Stop it! You guys are acting like a bunch of kids!" Brody storms out of the bedroom and Debbie follows Brody" Brode, come back here!" Brody turns around to face Debbie "What's going on here? Is there something going on between you two?!" Debbie shouts "Of course not! Me and Kyle's history!" Brody nods and says "Look Babe I'm sorry The last thing you need is stress" Debbie smiles and kisses Brody "It's okay Baby".

Brody is walking outside the village when Buster approaches him and Brody asks "What do you want?" Buster says "For you to leave" Brody asks "What?" "Leave this village or else" and Buster walks off.

Debbie is cleaning up Kyle's face wiping the blood from his cheekbone when Kyle says "I'm gonna leave" "Leave? And go where?" Kyle says "I've got a friend, he can help me out" Debbie raises her eyebrow and asks "What friend? Don't lie to me Kyle" Kyle stands up and looks down to Debbie and says "Look I just don't want to cause any bad shit between you and Brody" Debbie looks taken back and says "Wow, you really have changed. The old Kyle would have loved to come in between Brody and me" Kyle says "I've told you, I've changed. I'm no longer on that shit" Debbie smiles "I'm glad".

Brody walks into his flat to see Buster Brody starts to walk out and Buster says "Going somewhere?" Brody says "Yeah, away from you" "Brody come here a minute" Brody scoffs "No, is Damon here?" Buster takes off his belt and Brody looks in fear "No please don't" "You've been a bad boy Brody".

Debbie is walking through the village and sees Damon "Hi Damon, you know where Brody is?" Damon smiles "Yeah, he's probably at the flat. I'm headed that way anyway" and Debbie nods.

Debbie and Damon walk into the flat to see Brody cowering in the corner and Buster hoovering above him "Dad?" Buster and Brody both look at Debbie and Damon. Damon asks "What the hell is going on?" Buster says "Son, it's not what this looks like" Debbie rushes to Brody who's crying and Debbie helps Brody up and Debbie says to Brody "It's time Brode, tell him" Brody looks to Damon and says "Busters been abusing me for years" Damon shakes his head "No, I don't believe it" Debbie says "It's true Damon, he raped my Brother" Damon looks at Buster "Did you?" Buster shakes his head "Of course not" "He's lying Damon" Debbie replies. There's a knock at the door and Damon answers it to see a police officer "Mr. Smith?" Damon shakes his head "No, he's inside" The police officer walks in and takes out his handcuffs and says "Buster Smith Im arresting you on the charges of the rape of Oliver Morgan" and The police officer puts the handcuffs around Busters wrists.

Debbie, Damon, Brody and Luke all watch outside as The policeman escorts Buster into his police car. Brody looks to Damon and Damon looks to Brody and Damon says with tears in his eyes "I'm so sorry Brody, Why didn't you tell me?" Brody says "I thought you wouldn't believe me" Damon puts his hand on Brody's shoulder and says "I do, I believe you" and Debbie steps back as Brody and Damon hug each other".

Debbie is laying on the couch when Luke walks in and says "I've just been to the police station" "and?" Debbie and Mandy say in unison. Luke says "They've pressed charges. Buster will be in jail until his trial" Debbie and Mandy let out o sigh of relief "Where's Ollie anyway?" Luke asked. Mandy says "He's in his bedroom" Luke nods.

The next day Debbie walks out of college adjusting her bag on her shoulder when Brody approaches her "Hey Beautiful" Debbie smiles "Hey Handsome" and they kiss and Brody says "Move in with me" "What?" "Move in with me" Brody replies Debbie tilts her head to the side and says "You know I would love nothing more but I can't" Brody's grin falls and says "But why?" "It's Ollie, after what happened to him I cant leave him not yet he needs me and my Dad is doing so well staying sober I don't want to do anything to jeopardise that" Brody smiles "Alright but I have something to tell you" "What is it Brode?" Brody smirks "I love you" Debbie grins showing her pearly white teeth "I love you too Brody Hudson" and they kiss passionately.

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