Don't Touch A Thing

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"Stay we need to talk, " he mentioned and stepped off to the side motioning me with his hands to enter his office.

So I slowly walked in the back of my neck getting goosebumps and shivers. I could be feeling him behind me, I could feel the air behind me get warm. I was more uncomfortable than ever before, I never liked it when someone I was attracted to got to close to me.

I always had some weird obsession that maybe just when they come around I suddenly smell horrible. I get to covering up and moving away from everyone.

Bakari was having that effect on me at the very moment. He didn't know it, but every time his eyes landed on me it was like a spark was set off inside my lungs. A blazing fire is just warming up my insides. When his hand appeared on the small of my back I had to think about my actions for a minute.

Do I move my body away?

No that would send the wrong message to him. Make him think I don't like him when I, of course, I'm fact do. I also don't want to stay there for too long and make it seem like I was desperate for his touch, which I also in fact was, but he didn't need to know that. I might just be overthinking this and need to steady myself and thoughts

So I just let him guide me into his superior and more decorated office. He sat me down in a chair on the opposite of his desk and made his way to his own personal sofa on wheels looking chair.

I didn't let the fact that him staring at me stop me from doing what I came here to do in the first place. All I wanted to do was thank him and get out of here. I didn't want anything else to do in here, but I realized being his assistant would mean I'm up under him all day.

I was practically conflicted at this moment. I was torn in different directions. On one hand, I wanted to be around him more and admire him in his atmosphere, but then again I always get nervous around people I think were cute. It's maybe the reason my dating life was always sucky.

I never had the guts to talk to the guys first. I had to always let them come to me first thinking that was the right way to go about things. I could tell I wasted my high school sweetheart years by thinking that way.

"Sir, you said you wanted to talk. If you don't mind me asking? About what exactly sir".

"Your a young lady, and your beautiful". I zoned out after he said that. I watched as his lips moved but I didn't really hear what came out of them. All I could do was replay the words 'you're beautiful' in my mind. When he was done talking I zoned back in to hear.

"Will you do it?" He asked looking hopeful. It's terrible on the first day to not have listened to your boss. So I just pretended as if I listened and just answered back.

"Yes". I nodded giving in a fake smiled and he smiled at me.

"You know where the manor is right. No worries I will have a driver pick you up at your place at 8 pm tonight. Go home and get ready". He basically shooed me off and I gladly took that. I basically got off by saying yes to something but the weird part is I don't know what it is! I have no idea why he wants me at his house or why he has to get someone to pick me up.

As long as I get to go home early I'm straight. So walked back home happily being able to say that I was allowed some extra sleep. My things were already being put in my apartment and I liked the way things were setting up. So I tip each worker as a thank you for putting things away for me. No job is too little for a tip my mother would always say.

She always told me to look into the meaning when she spoke. She never meant tip as in money. Not every tip is money, just a simple thank you can also be given. Since I had the money right now I thought I should give what I can while I can. Make someone else happy, maybe me tipping will want to make them work harder for the next client. It's all just a big happy cycle I just created.

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