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"Thank you for meeting me, General."

An older man with a military uniform sits across from a bald man.

"I can't possibly see what LexCorp could have that I would want," the general replies, checking the time.

"We share a common goal, General Lane," the bald man explained. "Get rid of the new hero in Metropolis."

"And how will working undercover with your company help me to achieve my goal?"

"Our goal, General," the bald man reminded. "I have made it one of my personal projects in the company. We are working on manufacturing a weapon made out of a shard that we believe may be capable of harming our new friend."

"Ahh," the general looked up. "Now that, Mr. Luthor, is what you should have started with."

"Is it a deal?" Luthor asked. "You provide me military intelligence and a get-out-of-government-trouble-free card and I rid you of the man who is seemingly causing more trouble than he's preventing."

"Not to mention alien friends that will surely follow," General Lane muttered.

"Is it a deal?" Luthor was starting to get impatient.

General Sam Lane reached out to shake Lex Luthor's hand. Two of the most powerful men in Metropolis uniting to bring down a man who's goals and intentions have gone unnoticed, replaced with a fear of the unknown. All because he was different.


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