Chapter Fifteen - Squad K

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"I do not accept this!" Lex Luther shouted. "You need to do something about this. Now."

"We're preparing an article on this as we speak. We're doing everything in our power to get people on our side for this," Glenmorgan replied.

"Work harder," demanded Lex. "An alien has taken over my highly trained squad and is now using them to end the human race. We need to stop this."

"I've explained this to you, Mr. Luther," Glenmorgan said patiently. "We're doing everything we can to expose the alien. But all we can do is influence people, we can't force anyone to make decisions."

"Okay, Mr. Glenmorgan," Lex said calmly. "Our little partnership here is greatly beneficial to you, and possibly could be beneficial to the whole earth. But, it only works out if you play your part."

"We're doing all that we can. With time, I feel sure people will protest Superman, and then we can bring the matter higher up, to the people that have the power to really do something."

"For your sake, I hope you're right. I've been talking with a military general in the U.S. Army, and he's real close to taking action against this Superman. Once he does, Superman is doomed."


Every single person involved in Squad K stood in an orderly line, facing Superman. Clark looked at each of them individually, thinking about what he could possibly say to them. Their leader had been knocked out and led away from the building by some of his "loyal" comrades. But Clark still wasn't sure that everyone in line was as okay with him as Sergeant Cloud was.

Sergeant Cloud stood beside Superman. Clark had thought it be better that the agents below see that someone they knew and trusted was on board with Superman taking over the anti-Superman club.

"Okay," Clark started. "As you've probably figured out, we have a situation here. I don't want to waste the talent in this room, you see, so I have an idea with how you all could move forward. Lex Luthor, obviously, is not coming back. So if you still agree with him on the fact that I should be killed or sent back to 'my planet', you may leave now. I will not stop you."

About a dozen men left, about a fourth of the crowd. That was more than Clark had initially expected.

"For the rest of you, I want to thank you for seeing reason. I am not a criminal, and I do not wish to hurt anyone. All I want to do is use my abilities to help this planet out. This is my home too. I am indeed an alien, and that may frighten some of you, I can see it in your faces. I want you to know that I completely understand that. Fear of the unknown is natural, and it is good that you are skeptical. I don't think any of you really trust me, and that's a good thing. That will come with time, and I will do my best to prove to you all that I am worth your trust," Clark took a deep breath. "I want to tell you all something. Something I know for certain, but others on this planet have only guessed at. I am not alone. There are other aliens out there, and not all of them are as friendly as I. Some of them will not come in peace."

There were whispers in the crowd of agents. The whispers became louder and more frantic, with all of them trying to pitch in their opinions on the other aliens. Soon it was a loud conversation, with people talking over each other. Clark couldn't hear himself think.

"Excuse me, I wasn't done," no one seemed to hear him. "Quiet please!"

Still, nothing. Sergeant Cloud raised his hand up modestly, and the crowd of agents immediately fell silent. Clark gave a nod of appreciation to Sergeant Cloud. That man had everyone's respect, and he would be crucial for what was to come.

"I would like this squad of agents to be re-purposed into an organization that will keep Earth safe from extraterrestrial beings such as myself that pose threats against the planet. None of you have to go through with this, but if you feel compelled to stay and serve, than that's all the better. We need all the help we can get."

The whispers continued, so Clark stepped back to talk with Sergeant Cloud.

"I'm afraid I can't stay here. I have to figure out Lex's next move," Clark said, scribbling something on a small piece of paper. "Here's my cell number. Do what you can to convince the agents here, but don't threaten them or prevent them from leaving. Give the cooperative ones, if there are any, new assignments and roles to keep the place up and running. I'll be back."

Sergeant Cloud nodded curtly and moved to address the agents.

"And, Sergeant?"

"Yes?" Cloud responded.

"Thank you," Clark said. "None of this would have been possible without you."

Cloud just shrugged. "I didn't do it for you. I did what I thought was right. That happened to include siding with you. I believe that you can lead us in a good direction, Superman. Don't prove me wrong."

Clark nodded and took off into the sky.

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