Chapter Twenty - Here To Help

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Clark breathed in the fresh air as he soared across the sky in his new Superman suit, complete with a cape and all. Jimmy had finished work on it after he had called in a friend to help him out on the details. Apparently that friend had equipped the suit with all kinds of toys that Clark wouldn't begin to know how to use. It was made out of fire resistant material, there was a comms system, and there was an option for a helmet to appear to cover his head. It was almost too much. Almost.

Clark touched down at the Squad K base and found Sergeant Cloud.

"Thank you," he told Cloud. "I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help. I hope the fight didn't hurt the agents."

"Not at all," Cloud replied. "In fact, now that you're a hit with the public, we have more agents than ever willing to side with you to protect our Earth."

Clark smiled. "Great. That's good to hear."

Clark thanked Sergeant Cloud once more and headed back towards his apartment. He changed out of his new suit and back into normal clothes and was about to entered his apartment complex. Company would be arriving soon.

"Superman is here to help, not hinder," Martha read a section of the article on Superman. "Clark, this is great!"

After the hostage incident, the mayor had shined Superman in a good light. Because of this, Superman was no longer hated by the public and the article he had written on Superman had been published after all. His first published story, complete with a picture of Superman and Mayor Berkowitz that was taken by James Olsen. Lex Luthor and Glenmorgan had both been arrested, which had caused a little bit of chaos in the media, but everyone was managing.

Clark's thoughts were distracted by the sound of the doorbell. He looked over at the door and used his X-Ray vision to see Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, and Cat Grant. Clark walked over and opened the door.

"Hey, Clark," Jimmy said hurriedly. "Sorry about the crowd. Lois wanted to wish you congratulations and Cat Grant doesn't miss a party for the world."

"Oh," Clark said. "No, it's fine."

Clark motioned them into his apartment and shut the door.

"These are my parents," he said. "Martha and Jonathan. These are my, ah, coworkers."

While they greeted each other and settled in, Clark walked over to the kitchen to get more drinks. When he turned around, Lois was standing in front of him. He jumped a little in surprise.

"Sorry," Lois smiled. "Didn't mean to scare you."

Clark didn't know what to think of Lois now. He had publicly stood up her father and humiliated him. Did she resent him for that? She didn't seem to be in a very resentful mood, after all.

"Scared, me?" Clark said. "Never. I'm a published reporter, you know."

"I see. Well, don't get too cocky there. Congratulations, by the way. It was a good article. It seems like I was wrong about Superman. I owe you an apology."

"Why? For what?" Clark asked. Did Lois know he was Superman?

"For giving you a hard time about being a Superman fangirl," Lois rolled her eyes. "Now come join your party."

Lois sat down beside Cat and Clark took a seat beside Jimmy. Together, the six of them dined and talked and laughed and just enjoyed each other's company. It was a nice change to be liked and have some fun. Clark make a note that he'd have to do it more often. He'd realized that Superman wasn't a one-man thing. He'd need all the support he could get if he was going to continue this superhero thing. And he had all the support that he needed, sitting right in front of him.

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