Chapter Seventeen - Alignment Issues

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Clark stared at the TVs with dread. Superman was now a wanted criminal. Public enemy number one. Hated by everyone, once again. Clark wanted to punch something. He wanted to explain to everyone that he was only trying to help, he wanted to force people to listen to him. But people just took one look at something familiar and turned the other way. They didn't just fear the unknown, they hated it. They wanted it gone. Everyone except for...

"Clark! Clark!"

Jimmy Olsen practically ran over to him. "Where have you been? You didn't meet me on the roof, and then..." he pointed at the screens.

"Long story," Clark muttered. "I sort of forgot about the roof thing."

"Yeah, I bet. Look, Superman is in big trouble!"

"I'm aware of that, funny enough," Clark said. "Which is why I need to get back out there. I didn't realize how bad things were."

"Okay, yeah sure, but before you do that, I have something to show you."

"What is it?"

"Just come with me," Jimmy said.


"The roof, of course."

Up on the roof of the large building, Jimmy ran over to a large box and opened it hurriedly.

"Look, I don't have time for Christmas presents," Clark said.

Once the top of the box was off, Jimmy motioned for Clark to come over. Clark peered in the box and his mouth dropped.

"I present to you," Jimmy said proudly. "The new Superman suit."

Clark reached down and ran his fingers over the suit. It felt great. It was firm, yet comfortable. But the best part about it was the chest. Jimmy had kept the S symbol for the House of El.

"Thank you," Clark breathed. He was about to try it on right away when he remembered the situation at hand. Superman was no superhero. Not anymore. "But I can't use this. People hate me. The only thing I have left is Clark Kent."

Jimmy just shrugged. "I have to make some last minute touch-ups anyway. Deal with what you have to deal with, and when you've redeemed your name, this suit will let people know."

Clark nodded at Jimmy appreciatively. "Thank you. This means a lot to me."

"Just remember," Jimmy said. "You have more people on your side than you think."

Clark thanked Jimmy one more time, unbuttoned his shirt, took of his glasses, and tore off into the sky.

Clark searched the city for about two hours, with no sign of Lex Luthor. He wasn't able to properly look, however, because he needed to stay above the clouds to avoid being spotted. He was a "threat to the public", after all. This was probably why it took him so long to realize that something was wrong in Metropolis. When he first saw the lights, he didn't think much about them. Maybe a parade was going on. But after awhile, Clark began to feel something was wrong. He lost all sense of self awareness and sped toward the ground to check out what was happening. The lights were coming from police cars, all speeding toward one location. Clark realized there was no time to check the news, so he followed the police cars at a distance, instead. Finally, Clark arrived at a bland building where all the police cars were pulling in, their alarms blaring. But Clark didn't know what was so special about the building.

He watched as policemen got out of their cars and crowded around their captain, who was talking on his cell phone while staring at the building. A couple cops aimed their guns at the entrance to the building as well. It took Clark a moment to realize what was happening: a hostage situation.

As Clark tried to decide what to do and how to help without getting in the way, SWAT and Army trucks started pulling in and soldiers started filing out. Whoever was being held hostage must be pretty important. Before Clark could talk himself out of it, he decided to land behind a police car. The policeman he landed beside almost jumped out of his skin when he saw Superman. He reached for his radio, but Clark grabbed his arm.

"Please, no. You have worse problems than me right now. I just want to help."

The policeman hesitated and Clark noticed his other hand creeping toward his gun.

"You and I both know that won't do you any good. I don't want to hurt you or anyone else here, okay? You and I also know that I'm your best chance at saving whoever the hostage is. Just let me help."

"Fine," said the policeman reluctantly. "It's the mayor being held hostage, Frank Berkowitz."

"Thank you," Clark said, and he headed toward the building.

"Stop right there!" a deep voice said, but Clark ignored it and kept going toward the building. Then, suddenly, his body started compulsing and he sat down hard. He got back up just as quickly and looked toward his attacker. It was a military general with a hard, stern face. Clark knew him to be General Sam Lane of the U.S. Military. He was quite famous around Metropolis, and he was also the father of Lois Lane. Standing beside him, though, was another man that Clark didn't really want to see at the moment. Lex Luthor.

"That's him!" Luthor said loudly, though he was talking to a man right beside him. "Superman is the one that ordered the attack on our mayor."

"What? No—"

But it was too late. In an instant, a parking lot full of soldiers had surrounded him, and there was no way out. Clark noticed that they had all been equipped with kryptonite weapons like General Lane had shot him with. They were weak, but there were more than enough soldiers present to stop Clark. If he tried to fly away, they would open fire and knock him out within seconds. So there was no other choice. He'd have to fight like his life depended on it. Because it did.

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