Chapter Five - So you're Superman, huh?

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The alarm blared. Clark's least favorite sound. He pushed himself out of bed and out of his room, not bothering to look at the TV. It was probably more news about ways to get aliens off the planet.

"Morning, Clark!" Martha exclaimed, and Clark mustered a smile. She had made french toast.

"Ahh, the best food on Earth," Clark replied, warming the toast with his heat vision.

"So, what's your plan for today, dear?" Martha asked, smiling as Clark bit into some of her toast.

"Go into work... fix the Superman article... save some people," Clark said between bites.

"Oh, Clark," Jonathan emerged from the guest room. "I need to talk to you, son."

"Of course," Clark nods and takes more one bite of french toast before following Jonathan back into the guest room.

Jonathan stares at his feet for a few seconds, then says, "So, you're Superman?"

"We've covered that, pops," Clark mused, wondering what was coming.

Jonathan nodded and took a deep breath. "Well, son, frankly I don't know whether to hug you or punch you."

"Which one are you leaning towards?"

He thought for awhile, then said, "Punch you."

Clark took a step back, confused.

"Clark, we've been through this many times. You are not to use your powers in public, it only draws unwanted attention. And your little stunts are definitely public."

"I know, but..."

"You're on every news station in Metropolis. Other cities too," he said. "Do you get that? One day, they will put two and two together and figure out that it's you. You won't have any privacy. Oh, and wait until they create a weapon that can harm aliens, then what?"

"I'm helping people!" Clark exclaimed.

"What you are doing will help a few people, yeah, but the fact that there's aliens now doesn't help anyone. And how many people will die in the crossfire if they declare war on you? I'll tell you what, the people fighting against you won't care how many people."

"So you think this was a bad idea?"

"I think it was a spontaneous one that I don't want you to regret later," said Jonathan.

"There's so many people, everywhere, that are against Superman, against aliens. I thought I could at least count on practically my own family to back me up," Clark replied.

"I will always support your decisions, but I'm not sure if you're making the right one here. You should have at least come and talked to me."

"Talked to you? You were the one that said I should move out, expand my horizons..."

"I didn't mean this!" Jonathan interrupted.

"Well what do you want from me?" demanded Clark.

"I want you to be smart! I want you to think through things. Especially things like this. It's too easy to fly off half-cocked when your bullet-proof, but not everyone is. Other people suffer from decisions that you make. So if you try and do something that you're not ready for because the only thought in your mind is that nothing can hurt me, then other people will get hurt. At some point down the road."

Clark sighed deeply. He was frustrated. He couldn't believe that Jonathan wasn't with him on this.

"So you think I should just sit back, knowing I can help, and watch bad things happen?"

"There are people who deal with those things! That's their job!"

"But they're not bullet-proof are they?" Clark said. "They don't have heat vision, super hearing. They can't fly!"

"Central City, Coast City, even Gotham City, for god sake, all have heroes. People that stand up for them. Do what the police are meant to do. Then there are normal cities, like Metropolis, who have let police do their job until you!"

"What's your point? That's I'm a burden for the city?"

"That cities are better off without these heroes. They just are."

Clark shook his head. He couldn't believe this. Why could no one see the good he was doing? Why did everyone think he was bad news.

"They bring danger to their respective cities, all of them!"

Clark looked up, "You've been listening to Galaxy Communications, haven't you? Glen Glenmorgan?"

Jonathan faked a smile, "No, no of course not. I'm just saying that-"

"No!" Clark exclaimed. "Do you even know what he is saying? He's saying that I should just leave Earth. Go back where I came from. You support that?"

Jonathan stepped back and stopped smiling. "You know I don't support that, Clark. Since you were a baby, Martha and I have raised you. Do you think I would have done that if I believe anything that guy is saying?"

"I just don't understand why you don't support me on this!" said Clark, running his hands through his hair and breathing heavily.

"Because I can't, okay? It puts you in danger and I can't see anything good possibly coming out of what you're doing. Saving people is great, but it goes downhill from here, son. And if you don't stop, there will be people against you that will someday be able to hurt you. People will get hurt. All because of this dumb decision you've made."

Clark shook his head and turned around. He marched over to his apartment door, avoiding the look on Martha's face, and slammed it shut. He had work to do.

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