Chapter Six - Give Me A Break

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Clark sat down at his desk and ignored everyone else. He wondered if he should be working on an article about Superman, or better yet, be out saving people. But he didn't feel like it. What was the point, anyway? No one would appreciate it. No one would thank him, no one had his back. He would just screw up and face the consequences, sinking further into the hole he seemed to be digging. 

"Kent!" Perry White barked from inside his office. "Here, now!"

Clark warily got to his feet and dragged himself into his boss's office. "Yes, Mr. White?"

White peered at Clark from above his glasses, "I want you to report on a man named Glen Glenmorgan. Mr. Glenmorgan is a skilled businessman that is gaining popularity. We want an article out on his work as soon as possible."

"But sir, I have an assignment already, with Lois Lane," Clark protested, not really caring about some businessman and also not wanting to give Lane another chance to make Superman look bad.

"Ah, right, yes. Superman. Well, I know Miss Lane is perfectly capable of handing an assignment on her own. I thought you would want your first independent assignment as well. Am I wrong?"

That was a dangerous question, and Clark liked his job. "Of course not, Mr. White."

"Then it's settled. Start gathering information on Mr. Glenmorgan immediately. I expect no less than a stellar job on this, Kent. I hope you know that."

"Yes sir," Clark replied, and walked out of the office.

Maybe it was for the better. Clark could have a chance to do some normal work as a investigative reporter and take a little break as Superman. Besides, Lois Lane would have nothing to work with if Superman went AWOL for a little while.

Just then, the elevator dinged and Jimmy Olsen stumbled out. He was drenched in water, head to toe, and wet the whole floor as he walked to his desk. No one paid him much attention other than Cat Grant, who scowled.

"Hey, Clark," he mumbled as he passed.

"Hi, Jimmy," replied Clark. "Hanging around outside much?"

"I've been trying to catch Superman flying all day to get a shot of him," Jimmy explained, waving around his camera, which was also soaked. Clark would be amazed if it still worked, but he figured it did. It looked to be rather expensive.

"Oh," Clark felt guilty and somewhat responsible for Jimmy's situation.

"Nothing from Superman, all day," Jimmy sat down at his desk.

Clark wished there was something he could do for the guy. He seemed to approve of Superman and genuinely wanted to get a good photo of him. Next time Clark went out as Superman, if he ever did again, he would give Jimmy an anonymous tip-off. That would work. In the meantime, he typed the name Glen Glenmorgan into his browser. Results filled his screen and he tabbed through them. Glenmorgan, or Mr. Metropolis, as the people had begun to call him, was the CEO of Galaxy Inc. He had gotten straight A's through college, been raised by wealthy folks, and had gone straight to the top.

Definitely a successful man, but Clark didn't understand what the relevance was. Usually people being reported on had done something big, something recent. Glenmorgan seemed to be all about big, but what about recent? Clark knew where Galaxy Inc. was, so he could just pay the man a visit. It would take his mind off everything happening with Superman.


Half an hour later, Clark was sitting in Mr. Glenmorgan's office, waiting. He had been waiting for about 20 minutes, and only after 10 more did something happen. A middle-aged woman walked up to Clark. She had brown hair and a faint smile.

"I'm so very sorry, Mr. Glenmorgan won't be able to be here for your interview," she said. "I'm Susie, his secretary, and I'd love to answer any questions you might have."

"Do you know where he is? The man I talked to on the phone said he is always here working."

Susie continued to smile, "Yes, he's working very hard with some new partners. They're making our world a safer place."

Clark forced a smile back. "You said a partnership. With whom?"

"Oh, well let's see," she scratched her head. "I'm not quite sure. Two other men. I think he said it was other business man and an army general."

That was interesting. "Do you happen to know what they're working on?"

Susie shook her head, "Not really, no," she leaned in and Clark edged back. "But if I had to guess, I would say deporting Superman."

"What?" Clark exclaimed, louder than he'd meant to.

Susie nodded, "Haven't you seen Mr. Glenmorgan's broadcasts on Superman. He hates that alien. Personally, I don't see the harm as long as his intentions are good, but Mr. Glenmorgan and the other men want him gone."

Clark shook his head. He guessed that was the relevance. Broadcasts about Superman. Clark was getting fed up over it. A couple mistakes, that was all he had made. And everyone was against him.

"Thank you, Susie," Clark said, standing up.

"Oh, that was all?" she responded, sounding surprised.

"That's all," Clark confirmed, and walked towards the elevator door. He was done there. At least until Glenmorgan was available for interview. Then he would form the most unbiased article he could about Glenmorgan's view of Superman. What was the harm in one more hateful Superman report. All of that would fade anywhere, when Superman disappeared for awhile. Clark had already made his decision. He was giving up being Superman. For good. If no one wanted his help, he wouldn't give it. Metropolis would probably be better off for it, anyways.

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