Chapter One - The Start of Something Super

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"This is unacceptable. A superhuman man has been watching over Metropolis for weeks now, becoming the topic of every conversation, and the Daily Planet still does not have any exclusive information, interviews, or information as to who or what this person is. We have the same information everyone else does, based off of low-resolution pictures and scratchy camera recordings. I want something. I don't care what. I want you to find every investigative reporter we have and put them on this case, heck even get the new one, Kent. I want them to find something. Quickly!"

Clark Kent had been using his superhuman hearing to listen to the stressful conversation between the Daily Planet's editor-in-chief and his personal assistant Sally for the past five minutes.

"Seems a little stressed, huh?" a red-haired guy that seemed a little younger than Clark had walked up and was watching Clark study his boss.

"Is he... always like that?" asked Clark.

"Nah," the guy said. "This is his good day."

Clark smiled.

"I'm James Olsen," he said.

"Clark Kent," Clark replied.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Mr. White would like me to kindly tell you to get off your butts and get a story on this superhuman guy."

Sally Winfield had finally escaped from Perry White's office and had approached Clark's desk.

"I'm sorry, it's just-" started Sally.

"Perry White, yeah we understand," James smiled at Sally.

Sally smiled back and returned to her desk.

"Holy..." James was staring at the television.

"What is it?" Clark asked.

James stepped aside to let Clark see the screen.

A plane had caught fire and was headed towards Metropolis, gaining speed by the second.

"I have to go," Clark said, running into the elevator.

He reached bottom level and rushed out side. He used X-Ray vision to locate the location of the plane and took off, flying into the sky. It had been a long time since Clark had flown, since he had felt the sensation of the wind ripping against his face, the warm and pleasant feeling of getting closer to the sun and the atmosphere. Getting closer to Krypton, even if it was just a millimeter on a football field. Clark focused on the task at hand. He needed to locate the plane and he needed to stop it from crashing down in the middle of Metropolis. He continued to fly, and arrived at the plane. One of the wings on it was on fire, completely busted. The plane was falling sideways, the passengers inside clinging on to whatever the could find, scared out of their minds. Clark knew he would have to straighten the plane in order to help these people.

He flew underneath the body of the plane and tried lifting, putting more force into his right arm to support the damaged wing of the plane and keep it as straight as possible for a hopeful smooth landing.

But the plane continued on it's path to the city, Clark didn't seem to be helping at all. At this rate, it would kill everyone it came in contact to and Metropolis was a busy city. Clark needed to make a decision: keep trying to re-position the plane, with no way of knowing whether it would help, or try to evacuate as many people as possible before the plane hit.

Clark needed to evacuate everyone. He flew in the direction that the plane seemed to be heading, but once he got low enough, he realized he would never get everyone out in time. The streets were packed with people and traffic. Not to mention the damage the plane would do to building and businesses that people had spent their lives building.

"Everyone, get out of here!" Clark shouted, even though he knew it was no good.

Some people listened to him and ran, but others just stared, wondering how Clark was able to fly. Clark turned around and focused on the plane heading in his direction. He was going to stop it. He had to stop it. Clark met the plane halfway and started to push against the front of it, in hopes that it would stop it's speed. It didn't. It was getting very close to hitting some buildings and Clark had to do something.

Clark closed his eyes and pushed, not thinking about strength anymore, or whether he was strong enough to stop the plane. He merely let the breeze flow by him, embracing the feeling he felt when flying, when using his powers. He embraced the sun, welcomed the powers it brought him on this planet. He felt it's energy surging within him. He felt the power, the potential. And he let in out. Not in harsh pushes and heaves, but in controlled motions that used his strength.

And, thankfully, the plane begun to loose speed. It slowed down to the point where it wasn't moving at all. And then Clark was moving it. Back the plane went, as though in reverse. Headed towards Centennial Park, an old park that was cleared out years ago, according to Perry White. He sat the plane gently down in the area that he was told used to have benches, flowers, and trees. It was now just an open area, however. The perfect place to land a plane.

Clark wrestled open the door to the plane and escorted the passengers out, all of which seemed to be perfectly fine except for a man that had bumped his head when the plane shifted. When he had finished, dozens of people had gathered, wondering who this super-powered man was. Huh. That sounded like a cool name. Better than superhuman man. Clark noticed James Olsen with his camera. Clark made sure to keep looking around and kept his distance so the camera didn't get a good enough shot of him to distinguish him. Clark rose up in the air and began to fly away.

"Who are you?" James asked from afar.

Clark thought for a while.

"I'm Superman," he decided, flying up into the sky, this time lingering to let James have his picture. This was the start of something super.

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