Chapter Two - Don't Worry, Just More Fake News

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"Wow, these actually... aren't bad."

Perry White examined the photo's of the new hero, Superman, taken by James Olsen. Clark stood with other Daily Planet reporters and journalists, waiting for his assignment.

"Mr. Kent, I want you working with Miss Lane to get an article out on Superman. Do not screw it up. This is important."

"Yes, sir," Clark answered.

"You know what to do, Ms. Grant," Mr. White continued. "Sally, get me a coffee. Corben, Troupe, Lombard. I want you to..."

Clark drowned out the sound of his boss's orders and walked out of his office. He couldn't believe that he was going to get to do the article on Superman. It would be perfect.

"Hey, you. Kent."

Clark turned around. A red-haired young woman had walked up behind him.

"I'm Lois Lane."

"Oh, nice to meet you," Clark reached out his hand, which Lois shook. "Look, I was thinking about the article on Superman and I thought that we could-"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Lois interrupted. "I think maybe you should let me handle this one."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you heard Mr. White. This will be what everyone is talking about. The Planet's chance to move above the competing industries. I just think that maybe you should let more experienced hands do it. You can take some time and learn the ropes."

"Oh," Clark was taken aback. "Okay, I guess."

Lois patted Clark on the back and walked on.

"What happened?" James looked up from his desk.

"I think I just got kicked off the Superman article," said Clark, walking over to James.

"That sucks," he responded. "You should have been there, though. He was awesome. He saved frickin' everyone!"

Clark smiled, "Yeah, I wish I had been there."


Later that night, Clark sat on the couch in his new apartment. He had finished unpacking everything the previous week and had been watching the film footage of him saving the plane. He didn't know how he came up with the name Superman, it just kind of fit. He grabbed his laptop and went to the website for the Daily Planet to see if Lois had published the story. It was only supposed to be recap and perspective of the plane saving, so Clark didn't figure it would take her very long. Sure enough, it was there.


Clark coughed and sat up. He had just saved a plane and the people in it, not to mention preventing millions of dollars worth of damage to Metropolis. How was that being a menace?

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Clark used his X-Ray vision to see that it was his parents. Adoptive parents, anyway. Jonathan and Martha Kent. But what were they doing in Metropolis?

Clark rushed to the door and opened it. Sure enough, there stood his adoptive parents.

"Clark!" Martha hugged her son.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Clark asked, embracing Martha.

Martha stepped back and Jonathan stepped forward to hug Clark as well.

"We were in town," he explained, "and thought we'd come by and see how you were doing up here in Metropolis."

"Metropolis is great," Clark started, smiling. "It's way bigger, but that just means more people I can help."

"Ah, so this Superman is you."

"Of course it is," Clark laughed. "How many flying aliens do you know?"

"That's great!" Martha said, still smiling. "You'll be able to save so many people!"

"Yeah, but I don't think everyone in Metropolis is thinking the way you do."


Clark led the Kents over to his laptop and showed the title to them.

"Ah, what does this Lois Lane know? You'll prove to them that you're not a menace," Martha assured.

Clark nodded.

"So, let's see this footage of Superman saving everyone from a plane crash, huh?"

Clark flicked on the TV and there he was, a grainy video of him pushing back against a plane.

"Excuse me, Clark," Jonathan said abruptly. "Could you point me to the bathroom?"

"Yeah, it's the door on the right over there," Clark replied, pointing.

Jonathan walked in.

"You're wonderful, look at you," Martha said, watching the part where Clark helped the passengers out of the plane.

"Hey, what's up with Jonathan?" Clark asked. "He seemed off once I told him that I was Superman."

"Oh, don't mind him," said Martha. "He's probably just worried for you."

Clark nodded, but he wasn't quite assured.

"That reminds me!" Martha perked up. She showed Clark a box she had been carrying. "I got something for you."

"You got something for me? You didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I know, but it's a moving in gift. For starting your new life. Something from your parents."

This got Clark perked up. Something from his parents? His parents were long gone, along with his home planet, Krypton. Clark was the lone survivor, sent in a pod to Earth shortly before Krypton exploded.

Martha handed Clark the box and he opened it enthusiastically. He pulled out of it a black shirt, made from the same rubbery material as most shirts on Krypton. In the middle of the shirt was the symbol for the House of El, his family. A symbol of hope. It looked like a really squished S housed in a diamond shape. Clark grinned. He hugged Martha.

"Thank you," he said, pulling the shirt over his current one. It fit perfectly.

Outside the window of Clark's apartment, sirens started sounding. Clark looked out his window and saw a fire starting on another apartment building.

"I believe that's your cue, is it not," Martha smiled warmly at Clark and gestured for him to go and help.

Clark smiled back and looked down at the symbol that now rested on his chest. Very soon, the people of Metropolis would learn to look for that symbol. It would now be a symbol of hope not only on Krypton, but in Metropolis.

Clark jumped out the window to his apartment, heading straight towards the fire. He knew that this was what he was meant to do with his powers. Help people. Superman was coming.

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