the jersey forest monster

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Teenage!AU - You transfer to Belleville High and meet your new best friends, Gerard, Mikey, Ray - and Frank.. that's if he stops being a total asshole.

Frank Iero is an asshole, there's no denying that.

He's the cute-but-stabby punk guy that sits next to you in English and though he spends most of his time muttering cuss-words under his breath and getting suspended for fighting you can't help but think he's really fucking hot while he's rebelling everything in his way.

If only he gave you the time of day.

You transferred to Belleville high a few months ago halfway through the year and everyone had already separated into their little friendship groups which left you sitting on the sidelines mostly. Your old school was a total drag and you were somewhat glad when your Father decided to relocate to Newark from South Jersey, it meant you could have a fresh start.

You'd seen Frank in your first class, English seemed to be the only class he paid attention in apart from music and though he got ridiculed for it mostly he was a total bookworm, even going as far as writing poetry and being forced to read it in front of the class - he'd scowl at the jocks as he headed back to his seat, you'd smile up at him in reassurance but he never noticed, not really.

Gerard was a loser, much like yourself - totally lost in comic books and star wars but at least you had stuff in common. He was in your art class and quickly took you under his wing, letting you sit with he and his friends at lunchtime - his brother Mikey and their friend Ray. It wasn't until you were playing Xbox at the Way's house after school that you realised their little group had another member; Frank.

Frank's eyes had widened momentarily the first time you were introduced but he quickly played it off with a grunt of a hello and then that was it, he ignored you mostly and you weren't sure why - slowly realising that Frank was mostly antisocial and it wasn't really anything personal, at least you hoped it wasn't. You admired him from afar - learning that he was a total rockstar on the guitar and that the furious scribbling in his little black journal nearly every time you glanced over was him writing lyrics for a band that the guys were hoping to start.


It was a Friday night and Mr and Mrs Way were out of town leaving you and the boys to one of your regular sleepovers. Frank had been in a sour mood all day, even more so than usual and you couldn't understand why - you tried to block it out, focusing more on Gerard's latest comic design, he was drawing you as a dystopian hero and your eyes lit up as he avidly explained the concept he was working on.

You were broke from your conversation by a yelp as Frank jumped from his seat on Gerard's bed. He'd been distracted while smoking and somehow let the cherry burn down until it broke the skin between his fingers, he stubbed out the butt and stuck his fingers in his mouth - groaning at the burn. Without thinking you leapt to your feet, tugging him by his sleeve to the bathroom in Gerard's basement bedroom and thrusting his hand underneath the cold tap without a seconds warning.

"W-What are you doing?!" Frank huffed, falling over his feet as he trailed behind you helplessly

"It'll stop the pain-.."

"It's fine!" Frank growled, yanking his hand from your embrace and wincing as he dried it on his t-shirt

"But Frank-.."

"I'm fine, will you just fucking leave me alone?" He spat, shuffling back into the other room and busying himself in his journal.

You headed back into the room, not missing the worried glances that the other guys were shooting at each other but not wanting to cause a fuss, you were grateful when they didn't try and question anything, instead going back to whatever they were doing before.

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