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Leathermouth!Frank is Y/N's super hot Room-Mate.
Warning: Heavy Smut, Swearing/Cussing, Daddy!Kink, Namecalling, Dom/Sub Elements, Strictly NC-17.
Era: Leathermouth!Era Frank & Y/N


It wasn't the first time Y/N had woken up in a sweat, cheeks flushed and lower half throbbing with want as she recalled the glorious dream she'd broken from just moments before.

It definitely wasn't the first time she'd held her hand over her mouth, muffling the cries as she touched herself expertly, thinking of the tattooed man in the next room.

If Frank ever heard her, he never said - and she was quite content to keep it that way.

Until she wasn't.


Fridays were gig nights.

Leathermouth played a regular slot at the academy down by the boardwalk, It was like Frank transformed into a whole other person once he dressed himself in his DIY white uniform and took to the stage. Y/N loved to watch, usually hid near the back of the bar out of sight - he never questioned it, and she never told him - just a secret thing she did once a week before heading back home and pretending she'd had a quiet night in with her book.

Frank wouldn't mind her being there, in fact he'd love the attention but Y/N just couldn't bring herself to tell him - couldn't bring herself to explain why she slipped out of the club a few minutes after the final song, unable to face her room mate when she felt so incredibly frustrated and hot - all because he'd owned his stage and drove her wild for the last hour.

It was a regular Friday. Frank had left twenty minutes before with a side-arm hug and a promise not to be too loud when he came home later on. Y/N had wished him luck, as she always did - curled up in her nightshirt reading the latest Stephen King novel as she watched him head out of the door. That's when the routine started, she'd throw the blanket from her lap and rush into her room - fixing her hair and make-up and sliding into a pre-prepared outfit from her closet.

She took one last look in the mirror before grabbing her leather jacket, a handmade Leathermouth pin attached to the collar by the front man himself - She stroked her fingertips over it before grabbing her purse and sliding out the door, hailing a cab and heading down to the venue. She arrived ten minutes before the lights went down, ordering a Vodka Red Bull and watching from the darker side of the club as the men in white found their places on stage.

"This is a song about cutting up girls and setting them on fire, hope you fucking hate it" Frank spat into the microphone before throwing himself around the place while the riff started.

Y/N watched as the crowd jumped, screaming along with him as he jolted around the place - a sweaty mess of hormones and angst until the final song started. His voice was raw by now, throat burning and face flushed - He threw himself into the crowd, moaning out the introduction for Leviathan and igniting the fire in Y/N's lower half.

He flipped off the crowd and took a gulp of water, spraying it over the front row before tossing the empty bottle and leaving through the side curtain. Y/N shakily got to her feet, leaving her empty glass on the table as she slipped out of the side door to get her lift home, hoping that the alcohol in her belly was enough to let her put her plan into action.

She arrived home around 45 minutes before he did, taking off her shoes and jacket and readjusting her hair and make up in the mirror. She figured that this was a now or never kind of situation and if Frank didn't react the way she hoped he would she could always blame the drink the next morning, even though deep down she knew she'd only had a double Vodka. She was broke out of her thoughts as she heard the key in the lock, dimming the lights as she waited quietly.

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