told you they were fucking

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PenceyPrep!Frank & Y/N are on tour together.
This is your smut warning :)

Touring with Frank had been like a dream so far, it was surreal to think that every night for the last six months had been spent opening up for your favourite band. You'd been a fan of Pencey Prep since their earlier days, sneaking out from your parent's house and watching them perform at CBGB in New York once a month. You'd met John first, he was a few years older than you but he worked in the record store outside of school hours and you'd admired he and his friends from afar for the last couple of years, you were surprised he knew who you were, he'd seen you play a cover of Boxcar in the school music show during the fall.

He'd slipped you a copy of their EP in the library and you thought it was the coolest thing ever, a real life punk band formed from guys at your own school. He got you on the guest-list for the show that Saturday, lied about your age because his friend was dishing out fake I.D cards - it was that show that changed your life for the better. You watched as Frank, the lead singer thrashed his way around the stage like he owned it - he'd been introduced to you after the show and offered you a smoke, you could probably pinpoint that as the moment your crush on him turned from innocent to hardcore.

Fast-Forward a few years and here you were, a college drop-out living the dream of touring across America. Your band consisted of your best friend Ce'Ce on bass and her older brother Nick who was an animal on drums, it was Pencey Prep's second tour and you were glad you could all chip in to afford a bigger, more efficient tour van than the rickety one they'd suffered through in the last tour.

It was cosy and intimate, sometimes a little too much when you were all sleep-deprived and grouchy but you made it work, stopping off every few days to sleep in motels and recuperate. Frank had taken quite a shine to you or so it seemed, sometimes you'd catch him watching you while you slept with your head against the window but you never questioned him on it, it felt nice to have someone look at you so affectionately.

After your set the others would head off to the back room to smoke or call their family but you'd stick around side-stage and watch Pencey's show, you frequently caught Frank's eye between songs and he'd grin, knowing that you were watching him. You thought your crush was pretty obvious by now but Frank didn't seem fazed by it so you didn't hold back, just enjoyed watching your favourite band play and checking Frank out in the process.

John would tease you relentlessly over it and you'd be forced to clamp your hand over his mouth whenever Frank was near because though it was painfully obvious you were hot for him you didn't exactly want to broadcast it. It was a Friday night in Pittsburgh when things seemed to take a change, you'd been sat on a stack at side stage as Pencey played their encore song. Usually you'd be dancing around and singing the lyrics along with the crowd but your shoulder had been giving you trouble and you ached so badly you couldn't wait to go back to the motel.

You climbed up onto the stack, your legs hanging over the side while 'Attention Reader' finished up. John pulled a face at you as he passed with his bass, laughing as you raised your middle finger and stuck your tongue out. Frank was last off the stage as usual, having thrown his picks into the crowd and high-fived everyone at the barrier - he was surprised to see you still sat out side stage when he came through, usually you followed the band to the back room and waited for him there.

"You okay up there, little one?" he teased, looking up at you

"Your kettle's black as fuck, short-ass!" you retorted, wincing as you slid down and stood in front of him

"You okay?" he frowned, watching you grimace "Are you hurt?"

"It's my shoulder" You groaned, rubbing at the ache as you yawned "It's been hurting for a while, think I just need a good nights sleep"

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