you still hate me?

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Leathermouth!Frank is an asshole, Y/N just can't stand him and he hates her just as much.
Warning: Heavy Smut, Swearing/Cussing, Rough Sex, Hate Sex, Namecalling, Dom/Sub Elements, Strictly NC-17.

Era: Leathermouth!Era Frank & Y/N

First things first - Frank Iero is an asshole.

Not just a total pain in the ass, the ultimate asshole. He knows it, his friends know it - and unfortunately so does his room-mate Y/N.

"Frank? Where's the skirt I left in the bathroom?"

"You mean the skirt you left on the bathroom floor?"

"Well it was on the counter, it must have fallen-.."

"Yeah, sure-.." Frank groaned, rolling his eyes dramatically "..-because you'd never leave anything on the bathroom floor"

"I was in a rush-.."

"Do you have a point to this, I'm kinda bored already?"

"Where's my skirt, Frank?"

"Where do all things that end up on the floor go, Y/N?"


Frank shrugged, smirking to himself "Y'know, if I ever left anything on the floor my Mama would throw it straight in the trash.. she said if I cared so much about it I'd-.."

Y/N rushed over to the empty trash can, frowning before turning back to Frank who'd pursed his lips to contain his grin "..Yeah, the garbage truck came like - three hours ago?"

"Frank!" Y/N cried "That was my best skirt-.."

"Pfft.. best skirt?" Frank snorted "It made you look like a cheap hooker, I totally did you a favour-.."

"You're unbelievable-.."

"So, I've been told" he winked cheekily, biting his lip as Y/N groaned and stormed back to her room to find something else to wear.


Y/N would get her revenge, of course she would - that was the way she and Frank worked.

In the four years they'd been room-mates they'd had their fair share of arguments - both absolutely seething at the other but both too stubborn to move out and go their separate ways, besides - beneath all the hatred and bitterness they kind of worked well together, not that they'd ever admit that to the other.

"Y/N I swear to fucking God you'd better open up-.." Frank shouted through the hallway as he thundered over to her bedroom door.

She'd been anticipating this of course, the slide bolt on her bedroom door coming in real handy about now. She glanced over to the guitar sat neatly in the corner of her room, wishing she could have seen the realisation on Frank's face when he opened up his case at band practise to see his beloved instrument missing.

She was shaken from her thoughts by his fist against the door, nearly shaking off it's hinges.

"You seem a little stressed there, Frank" She sang happily "Maybe you need a nap?"

"Maybe I need a-.." he muttered under his breath before yelling "What I need is to throttle the fucking hell out of you, you crazy motherfucking-.."

"Hmm.. not much incentive for me to open the door then is it?"

He growled lowly, his forehead coming to rest on the door "Fine-.. I'll stay calm, just give me the fucking guitar-.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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