Chapter one : new girl

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"Hey im Saryna " as she walks into the main office in her new school . "I'm new here and don't really know where I'm supposed to be." "That's fine honey can you tell me your last name" the Secretary asks as she pulls out a huge binder. "Munoz" Saryna answers. "Oh yes you are supposed to be in room 227 I will ascort you ... Follow me ." Saryna walks through the halls on her way to start a fresh new life in a whole new school. Walking down the halls she notices a few students staring at her. She feels like an outcast. Never has she felt that way before.

"Hello ... Welcome !!" Her new homeroom teacher says joyfully. Saryna keeps her head down and walks to the nearest empty seat closest to her. The cute boy she doesn't notice she sits down next to stops drawing in his sketch pad and takes a good look at her. "Hey my names Jacob" he says with his big shiny white smile. "My names Saryna but you can call me ryna" she replies. "Cool" says Jacob "you don't really hear that kind of name a lot around here"."Is that a bad thing" she asks. "No I like" Jacob answers with a smerk on his face.

Saryna went off to her next class met that teacher and met all the teachers after that. Not many people talked to her today and she didn't think the teachers cared much about her existence at all except her homeroom teacher.

Saryna heads home after a long first day in high school. She walks in the door and there's her dad waiting for her. "How was your first day at school bruchi ?" he says using the nick name he calls her.

"It was okay" . "Met any new friends ? ... Joined any clubs?" "No but I was thinking about trying out for the volleyball team tomorrow"." That's great I'm sure you'll enjoy that." "Where's mom?" she asks. "She's still at work she said she will be home by the time dinners ready." "Well I'm not that hungry so I'm just going to go to bed. I have school again tomorrow anyways. Guess it will be good to get as much sleep as possible"."okay then goodnight" he says. "Goodnight" Saryna replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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