Year 1 - Dumbledore's return

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Hermione needed to stay at the hospital wing for a week, untill she was done with coughing out fur balls. A few days before that Harry and Ron find a journal that somebody throwed at Moaning Myrtle, but the diary was stolen a few days after. The journal was about a boy, Tom Riddle, who went to Hogwarts at the same time as the Chamber was opened for the first time. It's a strange diary, it's like the guy who wrote it is stuck in it. I couldn't find anything in the library about putting a persone in an object, so it must be Dark Magic whereabouts I only can read in the Forbidden Section. Harry said Tom showed him a memory, where he unmasked Hagrid with the monster. Although that doesn't make sense and Hermione agrees. Hagrid is a friend, not a cold-blooded killer.

"What would be in it?" Hermione asks, it's more like she asks herself then me.

"Well, I've read about a basilisk who is able to live for honderds of years and can kill people just by looking at them. It would make sense why Harry can hear them and we don't, but they are very rare."

"Darcy you're brilliant." Hermione says and then runs away without explanation.

"I am?" I ask confused.

"Of course you are, Potter is a hero and little sister is a ginius sidekick." a girl mocks. I know I've seen her before, she ofthen follows Draco, just like a lost puppy.

"You are Pansy, aren't you? Pansy pugface."

"Don't call me that, you mutt!"

"Leave her alone, Pansy." she quickly turns around and is shocked when she sees who said it. "She is mine to bully, only mine. Find someone else." Draco clarifies. "Now leave, I want to talk to her alone." Pansy quickly leaves after giving me a glare. When she is out of sight he gets closer. By every step he taks forward I strumble one backwards.

"Tell me, and no lies, is your brother the Heir?" I'm to scared to say anything, my silence makes him mad. "Tell me!"

"I-I don't k-know, I mean, he would have told me if he was, right?" I stammer.

"Ugh, you aren't really helpful." He says and pushes me on the ground. I get up and want to start collecting my books and my parchments but I stop when someone else joins us.

"Mr. Malfoy, did we never learn how to treat a lady? Help her!" Professor Snape demands. Draco starts helping me with a bitter look on his face. Before we get up he wispers: "Only this time, Potter." and leaves pronto. Leaving me with Snape in an awkward situation.

"Thank you, sir. But you didn't need to do that." I mumble a bit.

"No, he needs to learn how to be a gentleman besides if he doesn't learn it now, he never will."

"Darcy, there you are, come quickly. They found Hermione!" Luna calls.

When we enter the hospital wing we see Harry and Ron standing at a bed. When we come closer we see Hermione is lying on it and next to her lies Penelope Clearwater. Both Petrified. We didn't had mush time to stay, we needed to get back to our common room for an announcement.


"Because of the recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately: 'All students will return to their house common rooms by 6:00 every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions.' Please follow these rules, they're for your own protection." Professor Flitwick announces.


The next morning Harry and Ron come to our table and say the need to tell us something important. Last night the sliped out of their tower to visit Hagrid, who now is taken by the Ministry to Azkaban, but before they took him he said they had to follow the spiders. Poor Ron, I know how mush he hates spiders. They were almost eaten by them but they know now that it wasn't Hagrid who opened the Chamber 50 years ago.

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