Year 3 - Quidditch World Cup

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My brother finds this Holliday pretty boring, but I don't. I learned myself some wandless magic, like healing and changing in my Animagus. But also bending the elements. First I perfected waterbendig, because I knew already that I could bend that element. Then I tried to learn airbending, my house element. The first time I tried I set the place on fire, so I practiced fire first and then air. But I still don't know how to bend earth. Maybe because it is the opposite of my house element. I don't know.

I also seem to have visions. First it was only in dreams but now I can get theem at any moment. I stiff all of a sudden and see flashes. Like the letter that we received today from the Weasley's. I literally saw it coming. Mrs Weasley asks aunt and uncle if Harry and I can stay at there place for the rest of the summer. Uncle seemed glad he was redeemed of us but at the same time he was scared what the neighbours would say if they saw people with strange mantles visiting them. Harry and I should have known they would travel by Floo Powder. What wasn't possible because uncle and aunt bricked it. So they were kind of stuck.

"Move! You take all the place!" I hear or Fred or George cry out.

"This isn't my fault!" Ron yells back.

"Boy's, stand back," Mr Weasley warns and then the fireplace bursts. "Well boys, Harry, Darcy,... you go back. Here take some Floo Powder. I'll clean up this mess and I'll Apparate back to The Burrow." Mr Weasley instructs. After a lot of trouble we finally got all to The Burrow. Harry would sleep in Rons bedroom and Hermione, Olivia, Luna and I in Ginny's.

"Here, take this. It's a mixture of snail glue and mud, it's really good for your skin."Ginny recommends.

"Are you sure?" I ask a bit hesitant.

"Yes, my mother used that too. Before she died." Luna commends.

"I'm sorry." Olivia says with pity in her eyes.

"It's ok. It happened years ago. But my father isn't really into this stuff, so I always have to do it alone. With you it is so much more fun." We hug each other and laugh with stupid things.

"What are those for?" Hermione asks, looking at a cupping glass filled with brown worms.

"Are that Anguis Fragilis?" I ask.

"Well, if you mean slow worms then yes." Ginny answers.

"Slow worms? Is that what they're called? They don't look like worms, they have legs." Olivia aks.

"Because they aren't. They are semi-fossorial lizards. They have a smooth skin but a very crude tongue. You can use them to lick your feet." I explain.

"To lick your feet?" she responds in disbelieve.

"Yes, so they lick all the dead skin cells away. If I'm right, the Muggles use some kind of fish to do that. But they are really expensive." this time Ginny answers. "We just use this ones."

"Girls, it's already late and tomorow you'll need to get up early. Maybe you better go to sleep." Mrs Weasley suggests and we do as she says after cleaning up.


"Get up! We are leaving in an hour!" I hear Mr. Weasley yell. I look at the clock. Ugh, it's 2 o'clock in the morning! The five of us get up and dressed, looking like zombies. When we go check on the guys, we see them still lying in bed.

"Get out of your beds, lazy sleepies!" Hermione yells, making lots of noise on everything she finds on her way.

"Just five more minutes." Ron mumbles sleepy. I didn't even notice that Ginny was gone until she came back bith a bucket filled with water. She casts some on Ron and the twins.

"I'm up. I'm up!" Harry exclaimes before she casts water on him too. Eventually we're all ready to go. We say goodby to Mrs Weasley and walk to the forest.

"Hey, dad. Where are we going?" Ron asks after 1 minute walking.

"I haven't the foggiest." Mr Weasley answers. "Keep up!"

"Arthur! It's about time, son." we hear someone greet Mr Weasley after a walk of 15 minutes.

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Mr Weasely looks at Ron and the twins when he explains himself. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry. And you must be Cedric."

"Come on, it's this way to the Portkey. We don't want to be late." we follow Mr Diggory to and old shoe, "We're here. Get yourself a good position." we all look for a place and touch the old shoe. After a while we are lifted in the air. "Let go, kids. Let go!" Mr Diggory instructs so we do. I fall on the ground, hard. I look up and see Mr Weasley, Mr Diggory and his son walking down in the air. "I'll bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?" Mr Diggory jokes while we get up. We walk up a hill and see a meadow full with tents. People are flying and cheering for there favorite team. Mr Weasley gides us to our tent and Mr Diggory goes to his. I enter the tent that looks small at the outside but is huge at the inside.

"Left is the girls side, right the guys side. Now, start unpacking." Mr Weasley instructs.


It's time to get to the Quidditch Pitch. We need to walk all to the top, to the Topbox. We are one of the first there. Then the Malfoy family and the Minister enter. Mr Malfoy isreally cold but it's obvious that his wife really loves their son.

"Ha, the Weasley's. I didn't know you could pay this places. We were invited by the Minister himself-" Draco Malfoy starts insulting people, like always.

"Come, come Draco. Be nice. We don't boast. There's no need with these people." his mother admonishes.

"Do enjoy yourself. While you can." Lucius Malfoy says before he takes a seat.

"Oh, Harry, Darcy, it's nice to see you again." the Minister greets us, "Come and meet some people. This is the Minister of Bulgaria. I'll introduce you but I believe he doesn't speake English. I've been talking to him al day and he hasn't said a word in return. Minister this are Harry and Darcy Potter... You know the famous Harry Potter in your country too, tight? The Boy-Who-Survived." the Minister seems happy when the Bulgarian Minister reacts by smiling at us. "Well, I think it's time for me to start the match now." 

The Irish enter the Pitch and then the Bulgarian. The each show something of their country and then take their place. The Minister takes his wand and puts it agains his neck before he starts speaking. "Good evening! As Minister of Magic it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup! Now, let the match... begin!" he takes his wand of his neck and the Snitch is released.

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