Year 2 - How to become an Animagus

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I go back to my room to open up my presents. There're four of them. The fist one is from Mrs Weasley, it's a blue sweater with a yellow D on it and some pumpkin tarts. The second one is from Hagrid, it's a book How to pet magical creatures from A-Z. The third one must be from Sirius, there is no note but it are my mother other journals of when she went to Hogwarts. The last one is from S, it is an old photobook from my parents. From when they were baby untill their death, my brother and I are also in it.

So you don't feel alone this Christmas, S.

Would it be from Sirius too? Well, it must be. Who else would send me a gift? I go to the Black Lake, to our normal meeting spot. I see him and he changes.

"Thank you for your gifts, they're wonderful."I thank him, "I really like the journals. Ow, do you mind if I take some photo's out of it, so I can put them in a photo frame?"

"Were there photo's the journals?"

"No, I mean out of the photobook. You didn't send it? I tought you did after I read the note." I give him the note.

"Maybe it was your godfather who sent it. And what about Harry? Does he want to meet me?"

"Well, when we went to Hogsmeade we heard a storie about you. He wasn't really happy about you, so I would wait a little longer."

Sirius sights, "I've waited 12 long years in Azkaban. I was supposed to be your gardian if something happened to your parents. I've waited so long." his eyes blur, he shakes his head and conjures a smile on his face again. "When do you want to start your lessons?"

"What about now?"

"As you wish. Before we start with changing, we need to learn what your Patronus is. Because the animal of your Patronus is the same as the Animagus you change in. Well, most of the time. But anyway, it's easier if you know into what animal you have to change. The Patronus charm is way above the level of a normal second year, but if you really are your parents daughter you can do it. First, think about a powerful memory, the happiest one you can remember. Allow it to fill you up, let its power run through your veins and say the words: "Expecto Patronum." I want to do as he says but I don't know what memory is powerful enough. Then I think about my present I got from my godfather. I'm not alone!

"Expecto Patronum." I say and a bright, white light comes out of my wand. I look at it while it fades away.

"With more power, with more feeling." Sirius instructs. So I try again.

"Expecto Patronum!" this time it's not only a light that comes out but also a bird. An eagle. My Patronus is an  aquilo, a north wind. The symbol of my house. I see how beautiful and graceful it flies above the water.

"An eagle? Your Patronus says lots about your character. An eagle stands for power, beauty and independence." Sirius explains, "Your father was a stag and your mother a female deer. Quite ironic, don't you think? No, an eagle suits you. You're a real Ravenclaw."

"I think I'm a bit dizzy."

"That's normal for the first time, you should eat chocolat now." Sirius explains. "The Patronus is used to drive back dementors or other evil, but also for sending messages. Very useful. I think we did enough for your first lesson, next time I will learn you how to change with your wand."

"Sirius, I've been thinking. You were friends with my dad and later also with my mother. How did you became friends with Snape again, that wasn't mentioned in the journals."

"I don't know. I never liked him, never will. James didn't eiyher. But Snivellus was your mothers oldest friend, maybe she forgave him. "

"His name isn't Snivellus, Sirius and you know that." I say stern. "I'll see you later, I think it's time I go see my godfather."


I walk to the dungeons, where Snapes office is. I knok on the door and when Snape opens it he looks surprised.

"Mss Potter, what can I do for you on day in the holidays?" he asks after his face went emotionless again.

"Thank you for my present, I love it." I say and hug him. I feel him stiffen but then embrace me.

"I'm glad you liked it." he answer after some silence. "Why don't you come in so we can talk?"

I walk in, noticing how dark, cold and smoky it is here. The walls are filled with books, potions and ingredients.

"I'm sorry for the mess, I don't get a lot of visits. Sit down, I'll make some tea." he almost says nervous. It's weird to see him like this, normally he is so emotionless.

"I don't care, I like it." I shiver and if I exhale my breath makes little clouds.

"Ow, you must be cold. How inconsiderated of me. Here take a blanket." He nervously start looking for a blanket and when he finds one he puts it around me.

"Thank you, that's really thoughtful." that seems to calm him down, well for 2 seconds.

"The tea!" he explaims and starts again nerviously searching around. 

"So,... ehm... how was your Christmas sir?" I ask to brake the silence.

"Like alsways, but tell me about your holiday?"

"Well, I studied, eat lots of candy and learned how to do a Patronus." I say while Snape pours the tea.

"A Patronus already, you normaly learn that in your fifth year. I knew you had your mothers brains, but I must say I'm impressed. If I may ask, what was your Patronus?"

"It's an eagle. What is yours?"

"Mine used to be a snake but it changed into a deer."

"A deer? My mother was also a deer! That's random."

"Yes, indeed. Very random" he mumbles sad.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing. Nothing you shold be worried about." he smiles, well it's a smile for him I guess. "I think you should be going, you have a gathering with Luna in the Great Hall in five minutes."

"Ow, that's right! Totally forgotten. He, how do you know?"

"Doesn't matter. Now, go before you're to late."


"Hey, Darcy" Luna greets me in her high dreamy voice.

"Hey, Luna. You know, I've just found out the most bizarre thing."

"What is it?" she curiously asks.

"I've found out Professor Snape is my godfather and we had tea together."

"Professor Snape? Well, it must be nice for you to have something that comes close to family but wasn't it pretty awkward with Snape?"

"In the beginning it was, but it was fun." we talk about lots of things during dinner, but about Sirius I say nothing. I'm too afraid of her reaction. We have to find Pettigrew so we can clear his name.

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