Year 2 - What a puffy feeling

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The hollidays are almost over. Just a couple of days left and I still have to do a lot of homework. Harry and I always had to do it at night, when the Dursleys are asleep. We can't make much noice nor put on the lights. I learned my brother a spell so we would have light to see what we write; "Lumos Maxima." It's actually illeagal, we aren't allowed to do magic out of school but we didn't really had a choice. That explains way he are so tired during the day.

"Uncle Vernon, could you sign this form please." Harry asks.

"Only if you can behave when Marge comes over, then I will think about it." he answer.

How could I forget that. Today aunt Marge comes visiting. She isn't really our aunt, but she is the sister of uncle Vernon. She is even worse then Dudley, and her dog is horrible too. This will be a hell for us to stay polite. Uncle Vernon picks her up at the train station. Aunt Patricia pays Dudley to be nice to aunt Marge, because she adores him.

"Oh, you're still here, are you?" is the first thing she says when she sees us.

"Yes, we are." Harry answers.

"Don't say that in an ungrateful way. It's damn good of my brother to keep you both. You should be thanking them." she tells us and then addresses to uncle Vernon. "They'd have been straight to an orphanage if they'd been dumped on my doorstep."

Then Dudley gets in and all the attention is, fortunatly, on him.

"Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh?" aunt Marge cries out. "Give us a kiss. Come on. Up, up."

"Take Marge's suitcase upstairs." uncle Vernon commands Harry and then my. "And you start cooking. Don't let it get burned!"

The Dursleys, Marge included, are eating at the table while we serve them. It's really humiliating. Hearing how she insults our parents and we can't say something back or uncle Vernon will not sign Harry's form. Marge snips her fingers to clarify that I need to pick up the plate her dog is licking.

"Usually just a fry-up for me, what with 12 dogs." Marge says when uncle Vernon fills her glass again. "Do you want a little drop of brandy-blandy windy-windy for Rippy-pippy-pooh?" she mumbles when she lets her dog drink out of her glass. When she sees me looking at her, her attitude changes. "What are you smirking at?" - "N-nothing." - "Where did you send them?" she asks uncle.

"St. Brutus'. It's a fine institution for hopeless cases and little criminals." he explains.

"Do they use a cane at St Brutus', boy" she asks Harry.

"Oh, yeah." Harry says too enthusiastic to be credible. "Yeah, I've been beaten loads of times."

"Excellent. I won't have this namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense about not beating people who deserve it. You musn't blame yourself about how this two creatures turned out. It's all to do with blood. Bad blood will out. What is it their father did, Petunia?"

"Nothing. He didn't work. He was unemployed." aunt answers.

"And a drunk too, no doubt?" aunt Marge adds.

"That's a lie." Harry says too loud.

"Harry think about your form." I wisper but he doesn't listen.

"What did you say?" Marge asks.

"My dad wasn't a drunk!" Harry yells angry. Yup, he can forget that form. I turn around when I hear a cry from aunt Petunia. Marge's glass broke in her heard.

"Don't worry. Don't fuss, Petunia. I have a very firm grip." But I know that isn't why the glass exploded.

"Harry, you need to clam down!" I wisper, warning him before anything serious happens.

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