Year 4 - Dumbledore's Army

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Today is the first day I will have Potions in my new class. I'm so excited! I walk into the classroom when, of course, Malfoy must make his entrance to.

"What are you doing here, Potter? The big kids have now Potions. So why don't you just go to your tiny little friends and annoy them."

"Good one, Draco. Now, let's leave this mutt here and go to our seat." Pansy says with a bittersweet voice, touching his arm to get his attention back.

"How did you call me?" I ask angrily.

"Ow, look it can talk. I called you a mutt, idiot. Do I need to spell it for you or write it down or something?"

I take out my wand and "Mimble Wimble!" Much better don't you think. Now you can't cast any spells anymore or anything bad about me. And for your information, I'm now in this class too."

"The idiot who gave you permission must be very stupid. Let me guess, was it that mad old fool." Draco says sneering while Pansy runs away. Probably to the Hospital Wing.

"No, it was Snape himself," I say with a huge smug on my face. "Now if you will excuse me, I don't want to be late." I enter followed by Draco and his gang.

"As you all can see, Darcy Potter comes to join our classes. She will be the only one who will not have to do her OWL's this year, so she doesn't need to stress yet. But the rest of you will. If you want to make it to the next year in Potions, you will have to get an Outstanding. So I know this will be the last year for the most of you, but this doesn't mean that you don't need to do your very best. Now I will pair you up and the partner I give you will be your partner for the rest of the year. Brown and Greengrass, Nott and Granger, Patil and Bulstrode, Longbottom and Goyle, Potter and Davis, Weasley and Thomas, Crabbe and Finnigan, and one group of three people Malfoy, Parkinson and Potter. Now go to your partner and listen."

"What Potter belongs where?" I hear Harry ask before I can.

"You with Davis and your sister with Malfoy and Parkinson. Now, we are going to brew Alihotsy Draught today can anybody tell me what it is used for?"

Hermione and I put our hand in the air at the same time.

"Yes, Miss Potter."

"It's made of the Alihotsy plant and it is used to cause hysteria," I answer.

"5 points for Ravenclaw. You have now all the rest of class to make this potion."

"I hope you're good at this, Potter. Because if my grades diminish, it's your fault and you'll know it was your fault," Draco threatens.

"Do you really think I would be here if I was bad at Potions?"

"You better not. Now we need to start or we will never finish before the end of the class."

And of course, we were the ones who finished first.

"Well done, 10 for each of your houses." he congratulates us and then he walks to my brother and his partner, "Can you  read, Potter?"


"Then read the instructions." my brother starts reading but stops when he realizes he forgot something, "Did you follow the instructions?"


"I beg you pardon?"

"No, I forgot the wormtail!"

"Next time you better take an example of your sister."


"Why do you have to be so smart, it makes me even look dumber than I already am." my brother mopes.

"You're not dumb, you're just to easily distracted," I try. "If you didn't you would be really good."

"Ugh, I hate that woman of an Umbridge," Hermoine sights frustrated, "She isn't going to learn us anything."

"Then why don't you learn it yourself?" I ask her.

"That is a great idea, Darcy," she says before she leaves without saying anything else.


"This is mad! Everybody thinks I'm a nutter. Who wants to be taught by me?" Harry starts complaining.

"I think it's a great idea. We learn to defend ourselves and we can convince the others," I say.

"Who is going to meet us?" he asks.

"Just ... Uhm... a couple of people," Hermione answers. We enter and see at least twenty other.

"Just a couple of people?" my brother asks in disbelieve. Hermione gives him an apologetic smile.

"Hi. So you all know why we're here. We need a proper teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts," Hermione starts when a Hufflepuff interrupts her.

"Why?" he asks.

"Why?! Because You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot," Ron answers.

"I'm not ganna talk about Cedric so if that's why go came, you should live," Harry says angry, so I get insides his head to calm him down. When I'm in there, I notice the presence of someone else too. Who would want to get inside my brother's head?

"Is it true you can do a Patronus Charm?" Luna asks to get the attention on his good side. Clever.

"Yes, I've seen it." Hermione answers. Everybody is under the great impression. They all start to enumerate all my brothers' triumphs.

"Wait. Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that but the truth is, most of the time was just a matter of luck. I didn't know what I was doing half of the time. I nearly always had help.Facing this stuff in real life is not like school at all. In school you can make mistakes, out there it's a game of life and death. You can't do it over. Seeing a friend die before your eyes,... you don't know what that's like."

"That's why we need to learn how to defend ourselves. If Umbridge doesn't want to do it, we need to do it ourselves. So here is a form that you need to sign when you want to join the DA and want to learn how to prepare yourself for what is out there." I take out a form that I charmed before. If anyone would tell they would get 'tattletale' on their forehead in pustules. 


There is a new Proclamation: 'All student organizations are henceforth disbanded. Any student in noncompliance will be expelled.' All the Quidditch teams need to ask permission to Umbridge before they can exist again. Of course, Slytherin is allowed as first. We have permission now too, but Gryffindor still hasn't. 

We also have a room now to practice our DA, the Room of Requirement. Neville found it. I made fake coins to put the dates of the next meetings on. I find my idea pretty brilliant, it's based on the Dark Mark that Death Eaters have.

"We start first with some basics. So first the Disarming Charm. Pair up and practice. My sister and I will walk around the room so we can help."

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