Year 5 - My Dark Mark

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I sit at one side of the table. At the other side sit the Malfoy's, Bellatrix, Severus and Voldemort. They all look at me, just looking. I don't know how long we've been sitting here but it feels like ages. I can see Bellatrix getting bored and the Malfoy's too scared to say a thing.

"I think I'm going to pay a visit to Azkaban," Voldemort breakes the quiet.

"What for?" Bellatrix asks but Voldemort ignores her and leaves.

"He's going to get Mr Malfoy," I tell her when I see a look of hurt in her eyes.

"How do you know?" she gives me a death glare.

"I read his mind," she narrows her eyes at me.

"Noone can read his mind, he's to powerful for that."

"There are many different ways to penetrate a mind," is the only I say.

"So, Darcy, you are in your O.W.L. year, how do you think they went?" Mrs Malfoy tries to break the tension.

"I think it went pretty well. I think I'll get O.W.L. for all my subjects, so I'm considering to take Alchemy next year too. It's always handy to know things. You know what they say 'knowledge is power',"

"Yeah, you're right," Mrs Malfoy agrees after some silence, "You'll be staying here over the summer so I'll show you to your room."

"No need to, I know the way," I say and walk out of the room.


"How was the weather in Azkaban?" I ask when Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy walk in. Lucius looks awful to say the least. Narcissa runs into the arms of Lucius. It's weird to see a Malfoy show affections. And hugging. Draco looks unsure about what he should do but it obvious that he is happy to see his father again.

"The weather was fine, thank you for asking Darcy," Mr Malfoy answers when he looks at me with cold glare.

"Darcy come here, it's time for you to get your mark," Voldemort recommends.

"What? You mean I also get an ugly tattoo on my arm?"

"Yes, how elso do you want me to call you when I need you?!" Voldemort responds impatient.

"Whycan't I get a smaler version behind my ear?" I suggest.

"Fine, now get here so I can give it to you," I walk over to him, put my hear aside to make place. He puts his wand behind my ear and then I feel the plain. I feels like poision burning in my veins. I refuse to show them how much it hurts, "I think your the first one who doesn't cry out in pain."

"I can handle a little pain," I smirk at a furious looking Bellatrix.

"That is good to know. Now, I have a task for you Darcy. Severus told me that he helped you develop your gifts through the year, is that correct?" I nod and he continues, "Good, I want you to continue to explore them but on your own. You learn much more when you find it yourself. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir," I answer and salute him.


"Expecto patronum!" I yell.


"Oh, gosh is that you Bella? I thought you were a dementor. You really scared me. What..? Bella, Bella... haven't I learned you anything. I'm sorry but thats 50 points from Slytherin for bad taste. Really bad taste."

"What do you want, Potter?"

"Nothing but now you ask, can you be my assistent? I need someone to practise with,"

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