Year 3 - Yule Ball

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"The Yule ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests will gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. The ball is for students from fourth year, third years are only allowed as a date, younger is forbidden." Professor Flitwick announces, stonding on a chair. "And as representatives of the host school we expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, literally. You will now all learn how to dance. The Yule Ball is, first and foremost a dance. I asked for all of you to come so you can learn how to go to a ball properly and for the one that will go to the Ball, to not shame our house name. Now do all stand up and pair up, take into account that you are about the same level. I do not want a first year with a seventh."

So we stand up and look for a dance partner. Almost everybody is paired up but I'm still standing alone when a fifth year takes my hand. It's Sander. He has brown hear, blue eyes and is really tall in comparison with me. I guess he is 5'8 and I am 5'.

"Will you be my dance partner today?" he asks with a grin.

"I guess I will, but only because you're good-looking," I answer him, with a smile on my face.

"Boys, place your right hand on the left waist of your dancing partner," Professor Flitwick instructs when everyone is paired up. "Girls, put your lift hand on your partner's right shoulder and then take each other remaining hand. That is the right position."

"I think I kind of like this position," Sander mutters.

"Behave," I whisper and he gives me his famous grin again.

"Now the waltz is a dance subdivides into three countings. It is a simple triple time. The first one is a strong beat or downbeat, the other two are light ones. One, two, three, one, two, three." — emphasis on the one — "You feel it. Now the man takes a step forward on the one and two small steps on spot on two and three. For the girl, it is one step back and two on spot. And while we take those steps we turn a little. Ok, let's try. And one, two three, one two three..."


The dance lessons are done for today, so I'm heading to the Great Hall when someone stops me.

"Well, Potter, you better find a nice dress for the ball. I don't want to take you when you look ugly." Malfoy says.

"Uh, what? Excuse me?!" I ask shocked. How dare he?!

"You're the most beautiful girl in school and I only deserve the best." Draco says arrogant.

"Eh, I'm not going with you. Even if I got a millions galleons I wouldn't do it." I say and try to pass him but he blockes my way.

"Who do you think you are, going against me." he's really pist now, I can tell. While he tries to intimidate me with his 5'6, I evade by slipping under his arm and run to the Great Hall as fast as I can. There I find Harry laughing at Ron.

"What is it that I missed?" I ask them.

"Nothing." Ron mumbles while Harry starts laughing even harder.

"What happened?" I ask the twins.

"Ron got himself a really nice dance partner at the practice." Fred starts.

"Professor McGonagall." George adds. I start laughing. God, that must have been funny to watch.

"Stop laughing. It isn't funny." Ron mumbles anrgy.

"So, who are you goind to ask?" I ask them, I really hope someone asks me so I can go too.

"Dancy come with me, it's urgent." Hermione says while drag me on my arm.

"What is it?" I ask her confussed.

"You want a date, right? Then let's go to the library!" The library? How would I get a date at the library? At 10 feet from the library she stops and fixes mine and her hair, then we enter. "Just take a book and pretend like you're studying." she instructs so I do as she says. After a while two Durmstrang students, Viktor Krum is one of them, come standing next to our table.

"Uhm, I was asking my selve iv you wanted to go to the ball whive me." Krum asks Hermione. She starts blushing and noddes her head.

"And do you want to go whive me?" the other boy asks me.

"I would love to." I asnwer him and he looks relieved. When they're gone Hermione and I look at each other with a huge smile on our faces. We have dates!


Tonight is the night. Tonight is the Yule Ball. Olivia went home to see her family so it's just me, Luna, Ginny and Hermione who are getting ready for the ball. Luna is wearing a orange dress with silver accents, Ginny is wearing a soft pink and blue dress and Hermione a puple one. I'm wearing a light blue dress because it matches my eyes and my hair looks on fire in it. Now we are doing each others hair. We cruled Hermiones hair in a low knot on her right side so some hair falls on her shoulder, Luna wanted her hair loose on her back in little waves and Ginny wanted it loose and style. I wanted it up in a knot but that some hair was still on my back. If I say so myself we look stunning.

We all four walk to the Great Hall where our dates will be waiting. Alexandre, my date, takes my hand and leads me to our table. The Great Hall still has the Hight Table of the teachers but the other tables are replaced by rond ones. Hermione and Krum go to the Champions Table, where my brother and Patil are allready sitting. The table where Alexandre and I stand is full with Durmstrang students. They all greet each other and we take place. We chat and eat a little and then it is time for the opening dance. The four Champions and there dates take place on the dancefloor and the music starts playing. I see my brother fumble with Patil, he really can't dance. Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall entre the dancefloor to, the sign that everybody may enter. Alexandre takes my hand and leads me to the dancefloor. After a while I see that Draco and his date Pansy are dancing really close to us. When my eyes meet Draco's he sends me his famous glare. I ignore him and focus on the other couples when the music changes. We keep dancing for I don't know how long. Alexandre is a really good dancer and is really considerate. I go looking for my friends why he gets us some drinks.

"Why are you smiling like that, Potter? Is it because you know you got Draco captivated? I know what game you playing and I'm warning you now, Potter, stay away from him. He's mine!" And with that Pansy turn around and walks away. Ok, that was kind of weird.

Ginny is still dancing with Neveille and Luna is sitting next to my brother, Ron ans Hermione. It looks like the last two are having a fight. What would it be about this time?

"What's the matter?" I ask them.

"You are just the same as her," Ron says," You betray your school, your brother by dating the enemy."

"This Tournament is in the first place for international friendships and magical connections. Dumbledore explained that at the beginning." I agrue.

"That's what I told him too, but he wantn't listen." Hermione says angry. "Come on Darcy, we're leaving. I've heared hypocrites are bad for your skin." We go back to our dates for the rest of the night untill it is too late and go to our dorms.

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