Year 6 - Pass over my sixth year at Hogwarts

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Hogwarts during the summer is really, and I mean really, abandoned. I always thought that the teachers remained at school. Looks like they didn't.

"We come back one week before school starts again, only the headmaster guards the castle during the summer holidays," Severus explains when he sees my face.

"What do we have to do here? I don't get why he sends us here when there is noone around," Draco complains.

"We are going to occupy the castle this summer and we are going to distroy all the secret passages, while Darcy will train her powers without the limitations of wearing the Trace," Severus explains annoyed.

"Is there no way to remove it before my birthday? It would be much easier without it," I ask.

"If there was, wouldn't a lot of other wizards have come up with that idea?"

Ow, right.

"Who will take the spot for teaching DADA?"

"The Dark Lord has found someone," is all Severus answers this time. I don't think he's not in a good mood.

"I bored allready. It's way to quiet here," I plain while pouting.

"Your priority is now getting your gift completely under control so you can use them in favor of the Dark Lords wishes. Fun isn't anymore," Severus turns around and looks me in the eye. He is dead serious. I know he puts up this show because Draco is with us. I sigh and look down. This is going to be a long summer.


It is one week before school starts again so Draco and I need to go back to Malfoy Manor because the teachers would come back and Severus would be bussy with explaining them the changes that would be made. The first thing I notice is the Daily Prophet lying in the table, it says that there is a new Minister of Magic. I recognize him from the meeting that took place at the end of June.

"Did you caught my brother yet?" I ask while I'm still looking at the newspaper.

"No not yet. I almost had him the day he was transfered. On that wedding there was to much chaos to find him,"

"Wedding? What wedding?" I ask confused.

"One of the Weasley's wed that Beauxbatons girl. I'm sure you remember her, she was the one who entered the Tournament."

"Yeah, I remember Fleur. She was quarter-Veela."

"Have you trained this summer, Darcy?" Voldemort asks.

"Yes, I have." I asnwer emotionless.

"Good, did you also practised some Dark curses?"

"Yes, I have. It's always handy to know extra curses,"

"And the killing curse?"

Now I roll my eyes, "Avada kadavra is so old school, even a baby can do better... oh wait a sec," I stop and give him an innocent look. He looks furious, so does Bella.

"You don't speak like that to the Dark Lord," she yells creazy. It's so easy to make her go creazy.

"Ow bella, why so upset? Do you need a hug?" I ask her in a sweet voice. She looks like she is going to explode.

"Stop it! I don't want my Death Eaters fighting each other," Voldemort interrupts my entertainment, "Darcy you will go back at Hogwarts this year to end your studies. You will attened in the seventh year for all your classes, not only Potions anymore. Because you still wear the Trace so you can only be of value at school untill the 18th of May. Since you're in your seventh year now, you're made Head Girl. So if anyone revolts, you can punish them. And after your birthday, we will see what will happen to you. Draco you stay here at the Manor."


On the train to Hogwarts I sit alone with Luna. She still wants to be my friend. I think she knows I'm just pretending. Luna told me that Olivia and her family have been killed. Ginny sits with the other Gryffindors, far away from me. We look out of the window and see Death Eaters flying through the air. The train stops. The Death Eaters enter.

"My brother isn't here. I've checked." I tell them.

"Ow, we're not here for your brother but for her," one of them says and points at Luna.

"What?" I'm totally confused.

"You choose your friends in a strange way," the Death Eaters comments.

"You forget I'm a Ravenclaw. I value intelligence, creativity, learning, and wit. Things that Luna possess. So nothing against my friend," I warn him.

"Of course, how could I ever forget? But the Dark Lord wants her, so she has to come with us,"

"I don't think so," I go against and take out my wand.

"You still wear the Trace, you can't do magic here,"

"I think I can, because you see, this is the train to school and there are enough other people here who could have hexed you. I don't think enyone will find out,"

"It's ok, Darcy. I'll go with them, I don't want you to get into trouble because of me," Luna says and walks towards the Death Eaters.

"Luna, you don't have to," I mumble in her head.

"I know but what are friends for?" she answers back in her thoughts while giving me a little smile. I sigh and sit back. I know she is right, I can't blow up my cover. Not now.


The Sorting Ceremony was really short. There were only 1 new Gryffindors, 3 Hufflepufs, 2 Ravenclaw and 5 Slytherins. Also a lot of students from other years didn't came back this year. Normally you got class with one other house but now all the houses have class together because there a so few students. Professor Alecto Carrow, a Death Eater, teaches now Muggle studies. She learns us that Muggles are dirty animals. Her brother, Professor Amycus Carrow, has turned his class, DADA, into DA. We learn hos to use Dark Magic on first and second year students. I allways refuse by saying; 'I don't need to be learned how to do the Dark Lords dirty work.' And he except it, for now. Everything has changed. But some things remain. I'm still the best of my class. When I'm eating all alonse I remind myself to it to cheer me up. Not that it works but I can allways try.


Christmas has pased. It's February now, 3 months untill my birthday. I just got a call from Severus that I need to come to his office.

"Your presence is wanted at the Manor. You will travle by Floo Powder. The Malfoy's will be waiting for you," he explains.

I take the powder in my hand and throw it in the fire. I fall on my butt. That is going to be the death of me. You would almost think that the reason why it is so messed up is because it is made by dark wizards.

"You look wonderful today, Darcy" I hear Bella laughing.

"You didn't start the party without me, did you?" I ask while getting of the floor.

"Actually the party has allready ended. You missed the guest of honor, your brother. So why don't you stay on the ground."

"I can't say it isn't my best friend because he is allways there when I fall but I prefer you company. But, if I may ask and I know I may, how did he escape this time?"

"Dobby, that stupid house elf, helped them escape,"


"Your brother, his friends, the wandmaker, the goblin and the Lovegood girl."

"Well, a surprise attack, shall we call it, by an elf. Four wizards taken down by an elf. I'm sure the Dark Lord will want to hear your story"

"Yes, indeed I want to," I hear him answer.

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