Chapter 5

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By the way, this chapter is dedicated to EpicCroft, for showing so much support to this fanfic! I didn't think anyone liked this story, so I continued it for fun. I'm always proven wrong when I think things like this, and it's thanks to Epic! I have to do this manually since I can't find the stupid Dedication thingymabob.. Sigh. Anyways, on to the story!

A group of cats, that were older than us, came up to us after the crowd began to disperse. Ravenstar had gone back to her den underneath the highledge. Softlight went back to her den with Silverkit, telling Fallpaw that she had to wait here while she checked him for any wounds or scratches, so the three of us were still together.

“So, you guys are from outside the clan, huh?” said one of them.

See, there were four of them. The one that spoke was a white she-cat with a gray ear and tail. There was a tom to her right that had a light gray pelt with dark gray paws and an ash gray tipped tail. To her extreme right was another she-cat that had a white pelt with amber colored splashes with dark orange stripes going through them.

Then there was a tom that was with them, but wasn’t very close to the others. Probably not real friends with them but tagged along to see us. He had a brown pelt with pale paws and dark brown stripes. Plus, his tail had a dark brown tip at the end. He tried to look uninterested but his sharp blue eyes showed otherwise.

“Yea, I was a kittypet and these two,” Roaringpaw nodded to Crimsonpaw and Fallpaw

“were rogues.”

“I see…” The she-cat spoke, growing silent.

It was awkward for a while before the amber cat cleared her throat to get the white cat’s attention.

“Oh, uh, I’m Frostpaw!” She quickly said, looking embarrassed.

“I’m Scorchpaw” the grey one nodded courteously.

“Emberpaw!” The amber one said excitedly.

We all turned to the brown one, expecting him to say his name but the only sound he made was a grunt before walking to the apprentice’s den.

“Sorry about that. That was Rushpaw" Scorchpaw explained,

“He’s the son of Sunwing and Russetfall, which were the cats that threatened to attack you earlier. He thinks like them so I bet he doubts you can survive the life of a warrior.”

Roaringpaw growled.

“Of course we can! We’ll prove it to him that we ARE fit for the warrior life!” If she had a tail, it would be sweeping the ground furiously, especially with her anger giving it the energy to move that quickly. Crimsonpaw used her tail to pat Roaringpaw on the back.

“Say, why don’t we get your mind off of this by taking you guys on a tour of the camp?” Frostpaw suggested.

Fallpaw was about to say that they all knew about the layout of the camp but her jaw quickly shut back before she could say anything.

“Do you think our mentors will mind?” Crimsonpaw asked, not wanting to be scolded by her mentor on the first day, no less the first hour.

“They look busy enough, why not?” Emberpaw said, her tail gesturing to the talking mentors.

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