1. Awake

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He shivers a bit at the coolness, but wraps his arms tighter around the woman who couldn't feel it. At least, Puck didn't think so. 

Quinn looked peaceful, despite the circumstance. Though varying light and dark shades of reds and purples, bruises that never faded even with time, blossomed across her sickly pale skin, her face had a certain content look to it. Puck liked it and hated it at the same time. 

Puck could still remember the day it happen. It stuck out in his mind so prominently, and it tortured him in his nightmares;  

Halloween 2016

"Blaine" Mr. Schu looked at him. "Go through the hole in the wall and call an ambulance, wait for us there" He wiped the tears from his face and concentrated back on the girl lying in front of him. 

"Mr. Schu, is it.. is he gone?" Sebastian asked. 

"Yes, Sebastian, he is" He replied without looking back at the boy, tilting Quinn's chin towards the air as Puck hold her hand tight.

"How do you know that Mr. Schu?" Sebastian asked again. 

"Becasue James said that he would only leave once Quinn was dead" Mr. Schu let out a tear fall onto the floor beside him, lowering  his mouth and covering Quinn's, breathing into her slowly. 

"She's... She's...dead." Puck stuttered, no believing what was happening. 

"Yeah but not for long Puck" Mr. Schu assured him, moving down to the blonde's chest and doing compressions. "Blaine what are you still doing here, we need an ambulance!" He yelled, as Blaine hurrying down towards the door. "One, two, three, four..." He counted out loud as he started the second set of compressions, willing Quinn to wake up with all his might.

This continued for more than a minute or two then five and still no change. But he wasn't giving up that easily. "Come on Quinn" He shouted, pressing into her chest harder and breathing more and more air into her body. 

"Quinn, please wake up" Puck sobbed. "Please" He whispered, bringing Quinn's hand up to his mouth and kissing it. They heard the ambulance sirens in the distance, had it been that long? Apparently it had, Puck feeling his body go numb as the paramedics came bursting through the door. 

Everything went by so quickly after that They moved Quinn onto a gurney, the paramedics taking over mouth to mouth and compressions, fitting her to an oxygen mask and tank. They wheeled her out of the premiss with no objections so William must have really left. She was technically dead after all. And all Puck remember was sobbing in Sebastian's arms until he passed out.

He didn't wake until hours later, lying on the chairs, Everyone sat in the waiting room. Mr. Schu was pacing in front of them and he could see Mr. Mrs. Fabray huddled together on the oppossite sides of the chairs. 

Remembered the doctor came and said to everyone of them. "She's alive but in a coma" 

This was two years ago. Two years ago on the dot, and Puck had spent that  two years right at Quinn's side. 

"It's been so long, baby" Puck whispered in the silence. "So long since I've heard your voice sing to me. So long since I've felt your arms around me. So long... please wake up, darling. Please. I'm not sure how long I can handle this. It's only been two years and I already feel like dying. You.. I love you so much, Lucy, but I need to see you awake. I need to see those precious eyes" Puck chuckled to himself, imagining thosr eyes.

Puck squeezed Quinn's hand, kissing her forehead. In a semi-upright position on to the hospitl bed, Puck had to maneuver himself around Quinn's many wires to hold the comatose girl in his arms. 

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