8. Keep Holding On

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When Puck had discovered his girlfriend hadn't returned, he was sure he had stopped breathing. 

"Oh my God" he breathed to himself. Immediately, he picked up his cellphone and dialed Frannie's number, trying to keep his breathing under control so he didn't start hyperventilating. 

"Hello?" Frannie answered drowsily. 

"I'm so sorry if I woke you up, but Quinn's gone!" Puck rushed into the phone.

"What?" Frannie shouted, suddenly awake. "What do you mean 'gone'?"

"She...she and I kissed last night, she freaked out saying she had to 'stop doing this to me', and then she stormed out. I figured she was going to get a coffee, just get out of the apartment or something, but she didn't came back!"

I-I think I know where she is..." She whispered. 

"Where?" Puck asked desperately. 

"Well, she texted me last night asking where Grandpa was. I'm so sorry Puck, I didn't think she'd actually go-" 

"Hey, no, it's OK" Puck assured her. "You didn't know. Thanks" 

"Love you, Puckster, Tell me when you get her home"

They hung up, Puck rushing outside to get a cab, as Quinn had taken the car. He sighed as he told the cabbie to take him to 'Memorial Park Cemetery', his mind wandering on the way there. 

He could understand why Quinn needed to go, but to go to the cemetery? It took an hour, and Puck was extremely worried that Quinn wasn't in the emotional state to drive. He fiddled with his hands nervously until he got to it. darting out of the cab and tossing a wad of cash at the cabbie with a thank you. 

Puck running through the wrought iron gates. He knew the way to Pop's grave, but there was something new about it. 

There was a single red rose lying in front of it, and a girl on his knees in the muddy grass. 

"Quinn!" Puck shouted, ignoring  the mud and running towards his girlfriend. He knelt next to her, taking the shivering, soaked to the bone girl in his arms. "Oh my God, you scared the living crap out of me" 

This is all I have left of him" Quinn choked out. Puck then noticed the wetness on Quinn's face, ignorant to wether it was raindrops or tears. "Words on the tombstone."

"I know, baby, I know" Puck said, holding Quinn tighter. "He was the best grandpa. You told me he used to be very fonded of you, that he loved you very much. After 10 years with your grandparents, he died. Remember when I told you her last words were telling you that she loved you." 

Quinn nodded, burying her face into Puck's shoulder as the rain, unnoticed, continued to pour down on them. 

"Those words were true" Puck continued. "And when you have your memory back, you'll be able to remember how much she loved you." 

"Thank you, Puck" Quinn murmured, wiping the rain and possible tears from her face. "For everything. For not abandoning me, for helping me through this, for loving me when I can't remember loving you... I can't keep doing this to everyone Puck, but I especially can't keep doing this to you." 

"What do you mean?" Puck asked. Quinn lifted his head, her eyes meeting Puck's. 

"I kissed you, Puck. I kissed you because somewhere in my heart, I love you. I know you know how much it hurts to look at someone that's supposed to love you, or you're supposed to love, and you can't remember them, or they can't remember you. I can't remember much about you, Puck. All I know is that I woke up in the hospital and with a boyfriend next to me... I want to love you, Puck, I want to love you so badly, but I can't because I need memories of that love. And if I don't get them back... I just want to prepared you for that, and kissing you definitely wasn't preparing you. I'm sorry, Puck, I'm so sorry-"

And Puck silenced her with a kiss, he had to show Quinn that he'd love her no matter what, even if he'd always look at her like she was a stranger, he'd always love her. Always. 

"Stop blaming yourself, Quinn" He said when he pulled away. "I love you, you know I do, and I always will. I made a promise to love you no matter what when we became girlfriend and boyfriend. While we never anticipated something like this to happen, I was fully prepared for something bad to happen because I couldn't stop thinking about our relationship was good to be true. Now, it's not your fault that you got in that accident Quinn. We each take decisions that we must regret sooner or later but take them not knowing what it will take. You don't have to prepare me for anything, because I'm already prepared" 

Quinn sighed, leaning back into Puck's arms. However, Puck pulled Quinn up so they both stood. 

"Come with me" Puck said, grabbing Quinn's hand and dragging him across the street. Once there, they ran adjacent to the curb, both out of breath when they reached their destination. 

There was a tall Willow Tree in the middle of an otherwise empty field. 

"Oh My God" Quinn murmured, taking in the sight she could only remember from her dream. 

"My parents house isn't too far from here, so it was easy to visit Pop's grave sometimes and then come here. Our own special place." Puck said, taking Quinn's hand and leading her to the base of the tree. Puck sat, not caring about nothing. "Come on, I don't bite." 

Quinn gave Puck a weary smile before taking a seat between Puck's legs. He wrapped his arms around Quinn's torso, shivering when Quinn's cold hands rested over his own. He pressed a kiss to Quinn's wet forehead, tasting the fresh rain. 

"I'll love you forever, even if you can't love me back." Puck murmured. Quinn sighed in content, slipping further into Puck's embrace. 

"Will you sing for me?" Quinn asked tentatively, her eyes slipping closed. Puck looked down at this beautiful woman that was so close yet so far from being his. The rain drops tracing her beautiful features just made her look even more stunning. Her eyelashes were brushing her cheekbones just so, and her lips were slightly open while Quinn emitted soft, peaceful little breaths. She just looked so.. at peace. 

"Of course" Puck murmured, in awe of this girl's beauty and how the raindrops were shining in the light.

Puck looked up, and a crack in the clouds. Rays of sunlight filtered through, shining on Quinn's face and making her look no less than angelic.

Puck pressed another kiss to Quinn's face, this time to her cheek, before singing, allowing himself one moment of happiness in all of his grief, just like how that ray of sunlight broke through those gray clouds. 

"You're not alone, 

Together we stand

I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand

When it gets cold,  And it feels like the end

There's no place to go, 

You know I won't give in

No I won't give in"

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