6. Release

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Puck and Quinn ate their breakfast in an awkward silence, Puck's eyes still glistening from tears he was pushing back. The only sounds to be heard that morning were the scrapes of the forks on their plates and the cars passing outside of their apartmenr window. 

"Um, I'm going to run and get some coffee. Be back in a bit" Quinn said quietly, walking from the apartment. As soon as Puck heard the door shut, he dissolved into tears, his half-eaten breakfast lying forgotten on the table. Now that she was gone, there was no one to hold the tears back. 

He couldn't help but feel ashamed at how much he was crying lately. Courage, Right? The lesson Blaine and Kurt have taught him. He should be brave, but how so. Why shouldn't he dissolve into tears when he wanted too, when it was all too much and he needed a release?

No, crying wasn't a release. He needed something passionate, something beautiful he could look to in his now miserable life. In an impulse, he ran to the closet and pulled out a typing machine. An began screen writing.

What happen next was a burst of artistic passion, type after type on the blank paper that Puck was bringing to life. The story it was nowhere finished and that's what told Puck it was amazing; writing isn't perfection, it's about passion and talent and creativity. There's nothing perfect about Screen Writing, because it cannot be defined; there's no textbook way to make stories. The imperfections of an writer and their writing, whether it is music or pantings or sketches or anything, are what make it great. 

And when Puck stood back, staring at his finished story of two people that met and found love and live happily ever after. He knew he found his release. 

Quinn was standing patiently in line, waiting for the man in front of her to pick her damn coffee order already. She tapped her foot impatiently, running her finger through her hair. 

For only being able to remember the beginning of it, Quinn knew her life was pretty freaking screwed up. She couldn't remember anything after her grandfather died and she constantly knew Puck, who was supposedly the love of her life, was hurting. She knew everyone in her life was always thinking about him and grieving and crying and she couldn't take it. What was there to cry about if her memory was going to come back?

If it was going to come back.

Before her thoughts go any further, the man in front finally made his decision. 

"I'll have a grande non-fat mocha, please" She requested. Quinn's eyes widened, a snippet of a memory suddenly entering her mind. 

"What about protection?" Quinn said as she was laying in bed. 

"I got it. Trust me" Puck said. 

She was shaken from her reverie by the barista calling her foward. She deadpanned her order to the barista, a memory she just gotten back, before a million thoughts whirred through her mind. It was short, a bit insignificant, and she had no idea what they'd been doing beforehand, but she remembered something about Puck. She remembered something about his life! It was a step closer, of course, not a large one, but still a step. When Puck received the coffees, she paid quickly and rushed home, coffees in hand and a smile permanently on her face. 

"PUCK" She shouted the minute she got through the door. Puck ran into the living room, eyes bit puffy. 

"What is it, Quinn?" Puck asked. 

"What about protection?" was all Quinn had to say. Puck gasped, his eyes filled with hope. 

"What did you say?" Puck asked again. 

"I said what about protection. Sound familiar?" Quinn asked excitedly. 

"You remembered!" Puck shouted happily, jumping into Quinn's arms. She hugged him earnestly, just as excited that thet were one miniscule step closer to full memory recovery.

"Puck?" Quinn asked when they pulled away. "Why do you have pencil ink?" 

"Oh...come on, I'll show you" Puck said, taking Quinn's hand and leaading her to the bedroom where the finished story dwelled. Quinn took it in her hands, she took a few moments to read a piece of it, she gasped. Reaching out to Puck's. 

"It's well detailed and beautiful" She breathed, turning back towards Puck. "You're very talented."

And then Quinn leaned in, pressing a slow, soft kiss to Puck's cheek and retreating from the room. Puck was shocked, raising his hand to his cheek where Quinn's lips had just been. 

Things are looking up, Puck thought. The tiny smile that had taken root on his face fell slightly though. I wonder how long it'll take the universe to make them unhappy again. 

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