3. Frannie Fabray

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That night Quinn slept in the bedroom, trusting Puck enough to live with her but not to sleep in the same bed. Puck's slept in the couch and he felt emptier than ever even in the past year; the knowledge the woman he loved was in the next room and he still couldn't lie in her arms when the moon rose was killing him far more than it had when Quinn was comatose. 

In the morning, he made Quinn's favorite breakfast, Pancakes with Caramel and sliced kiwi on top. He smiled as he heard the familiar groan of his awaking girlfriend. 

"Morning, Quinn" Puck said sweetly as the girl stumbled into the kitchen. "I made you breakfast" 

Quinn sat sleepily aat the table, rubbing her eyes before eyeing her food. 

"Pancakes with Caramel and Kiwi?" She asked in confusion. Puck mnaged a small smile as he continued. 

"Yeah, it's um, your favorite" Puck said, his voice a bit sad. Quinn shrugged, taking a bite before groaning with pleasure. 

"OK, I see why" She said, her mouth filled with food. Puck wanted to playfully pat her shoulder for talking with her mouth full, but he just put on a strained smile. No matter how much Quinn pretended, Puck knew she was still uncomfortable around Puck. I mean, Quinn was supposedly his girlfriend and couldn't remember a single thing about him. Puck had expected her to feel uneasy around him, but that didn't stop it from hurting. 

"I, um, called your sister" Puck said. He remembered the distraught call to one Frannie Fabray after Quinn had woken up, and she promised to fly to Lima with her husband as soon as possible. 

"I have a sister?" Quinn asked in confusement. Puck nodded, her eyes threatening to betray her and tear up. 

"She's coming up to see you. I hope you're OK with that"

"Of course" Quinn assured him. "The nurse told you to show me everything, so whoever my sister is definitely is a BIG part of that" 

"Right" Puck said, taking a seat across from her, not bothering to get anything but coffee; he wasn't that hungry considering he stayed up the night before drinking beer after beer. Because, of course, Beer is life's greatest medicine (Puck would say). However, it was all in vain, this was one tragedy that Beer couldn't fix. 

"Tell me about her?" Quinn prompted, looking at Puck with hopeful eyes. Puck nodded, a simple half smile on his face. 

"She's a very, very beautiful girl" He began. "Long blonde hair, the same hazel eyes as you, pale-ish but perfect skin and a wonderful fashion sense. She's kind, compassionate, loves you to death... it's areal tragedy, you know? So many people love you and you can't remember them at all." 

With that, Puck stood from the table and left the kitchen, not wanting Quinn to see those treacherous eyes that had tears falling from them. 

A few hours laters, the phone rang in the bedroom. Quinn was now asleep on the couch, Puck answered it. 

"Hello?" He greeted. 

"Puck?" It's Barry, me and Frannie are going to be there in twenty minutes. Is that OK?" Frannie's husband, asked over the phone. 

"Yeah, it's fine! Get here soon" Puck exaggerated before hanging up, rushing into the living room to wake his sleeping girlfriend.

"Q, wake up" Puck murmured, shaking Quinn's shoulder. 

"What is it?" Quinn slurred, brushing the hair fromher forehead. 

"Your sister and brother-in-law, Barry will be here in ten minutes, so I suggest fixing your hair so you don't resemble a cavegirl" Puck joked. Quinn smiled before retreating to the bathroom, fixing her hair before returning just as there was a knock on the door. 

"QUINN!!!" Frannie shouted, pushing past Puck and dragging her sister into her arms. "Oh, baby, you're awake"

"Hi, Puck" Barry said, giving Puck a bro-hug while they both watched their respective partners embrace. 

Frannie pulled away from her sister, grabbing her face wih tears streaming down her own. 

"Do you remember me at all?" She asked. "I'm going to try to remind you, ok? I held you when you were little. I played dolls with you when you were little and wouldn't leave my room. We made PB & J's together during summer and had sleepovers. I was with you when you got in a big fight with dad and we went to live for a while with grandma and Pops. Please, you have to remember me Quinny-Bee."

It was that name. Frannie childhood nickname for her brought back those memories of her troubled/happy childhood that she help her through. 

"K...Frannie-Bee?" she asked, the memories flowing back into her brain a bit overwhelming. Frannie gasped, embracing Quinn again. 

"You remember!" She squealed, pressing kisses to her forehead. "Oh God, you remember me! What else you remember?" 

"I...I remember everything up until Grandpa died" Quinn murmured, her eyes trained on the floor. 

Puck watched on from the corner, sadness in his face. 

He only wished he was in Frannie's shoes at the moment; he only could dream of being that lucky.

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