7. Accident

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When Puck woke the next morning, the couch seemed even more emptier than before. The coldness in the room seemed unbearable, knowing Quinn was only a room away. Well, physically at least. Emotionally and mentally, she was so much further away. 

Puck was up before Quinn, a smile gracing his features when he saw his girlfriend; one arm falling from the bed. He then ventured to the kitchen, brewing a fresh pot of coffee. Ever since Quinn had remembered that she needs a coffee in the morning, Puck had been making her a cup every morning. 

Quinn had said that it soothed her to drink it; it gave her a link to her past, no matter how small or insignificant it seemed. He's done a cup too but with a little of alcohol, slipping it slowly. The apartment seemed especially silent today; not even the passing cars outside seemed to break silence. finally, the one thing that seemed to do it was a small groan from the bedroom. 

"Quinn?" Puck asked, venturing into the room. There, Quinn was stirring from her deep slumber, rubbing her eyes to rid herself of that sleepy feeling. 

"Morning, Puck" She said, her voice thick with tiredness. "Can I ask you something?" 

"Of course?" Puck assured her, taking the spot on the bed next to her weary girlfriend. "What is it?"

"Well I had a dream last night?" Quinn began. "I was sitting under a tall tree in an empty field. I could feel someone holding me, and I could hear a soft murmur, like someone singing, but I couldn't  hear what they were saying. Then I woke up. Does that have any significance in my life?" She asked. 

Puck's body was halfway between rigid and relaxed, and his facial expression was blank; Quinn could tell what Puck was thinking. It was better to show no emotion at all than to cry. 

"Well, Yes I know what tree you're talking about." Puck said, struggling to keep his voice from wavering. "We used to go to an empty field after school, daily. Even during the Summer, there was alway a cool breeze blowing. You and I used to just situnderneath the big tree and talk about anything per say; our lives, how school was, each other. Sometimes, I carried my guitar there and we'd sing each other our favorites songs. It was..somewhere we only knew..." 

Quinn could tell that if she had this memory, those last four words would mean something exponential to her, and she could tell it meant something to Puck. It pained her, literally pained her, to see Puck hurting. 

Although she couldn't remember loving this man, she could imagine it. From what she could tell, Puck was a passionate, brilliant, vompassionate person, and she wondered what she had done to deserve him. If only she could remember. 

If only she could remember. 

"Oh..." Quinn said, her eyes shifting to the floor. "I..it was a nice dream. I liked it. A lot"

"Yeah" Puck murmured. "So did I" 

Quinn couldn't help but feel a bit jealous at all; Puck could remember their lives. She could reminisce and tell stories and smile over their shared past. She couldn't; then she remembered Puck was in just as much pain as she was, and the jealous was gone as quickly as it had come. 

Puck retreated from the bedroom, beckoning Quinn into the kitchen with a promise of a cup of coffee. Quinn followed him, the smell of the freshly-brewed drink enticing. 

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Quinn asked, sipping the hot liquid. 

"Whatever you want" Puck replied. "Maybe we could stay here and just have a lazy day in."

"I'd like that" Quinn agreed with a smile. "How about a movie marathon?" 

"Sounds good to me" Puck said. "How about Mean Girls

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