11. Going Back to McKinley Pt. 2

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The rest of the drive to McKinley, but Quinn's heart was beating erratically. This was it. These were the last memories Puck had left Quinn that she didn't already remember. If her memory didn't return now... Puck didn't think they ever would. 

So, this was their lost shot. Not just Quinn's but theirs. When there was a piece of Quinn missing, there was a piece of Puck missing. They weren't just separate people anymore; their relationship, promise, and (currently and seemingly one-sided) love made them whole. 

Puck resisted the urge to chuckle as they drove up to McKinley building. 

"Good grace, this is a big building?" Quinn said in shock. 

"Trust me, it's as big in the inside as the outside" Puck said. Quinn choked a bit. 

"Wow" Quinn said as she enter the building. "It's so big, so many classrooms" 

Puck took Quinn's hand and led her down the hallway, passing all the classrooms. 

Suddenly, a tall Asian man in a blue plaid shirt ran down the hallway, pulling the couple into their arms. 

"Puck! Quinn!" He said excitedly, squeezing them tightly.

"Mike!" Puck choked out. "Man, can't breathe!" 

"Sorry, man" Mike apologetically, pulling back to look at the two. "Wow Quinn, you've actually are looking gorgeous" 

"Shut it Mike" Quinn chuckled. "I-I know that this is a bit weird, considering I can't remember you-" 

"It's Okay, Q," He said, immediately stopping his friend. "It's not your fault, anyways, How have you two been?" 

"We're getting along" Puck replied. "And yourself?" 

"Good. Classes are hard as usual, but I am getting there." Mike said. Quinn and Puck patting their friend on the shoulder. 

"I can't remember the last time I open a school book or do a project." Quinn said. 

"So have you get another girlfriend?" Puck said. 

"No, but I'll sure miss Tina, but I know she'd be great with Artie." 

"We'll catch you later, Mike. We want to do a bit of sightseeing." 

"Alright. See you later guys!" Mike said with a final wave before darting back the hallway. Quinn shot Puck a look. 

"Is he always like that?" Quinn asked. Regretfully, Puck nodded. 

"Always has been." Puck took Quinn's hand again. "Come on, I have something to show you." 

Puck dragged Quinn down the hallway, feeling like they were running in slow motion. It wasn't so much the day they met, but close enough. 

One down, three to go.

"Here we are" Puck said, stopping them in front of a door. Quinn raised an eyebrow. 

"A janitor's closet?" She asked. Puck laughed at the sight of the familiar door. 

"One day after class, you dragged me in here to make out with you." Puck chuckled. 

"Really? Wow, didn't think we were that kind of couple... wait, what's so funny about that?" Quinn asked. Puck snickered again, remembering the day like it was yesterday. 

"A janitor had to come in to get a mop, and caugh us with your hand under my pants. The look on his face was priceless" Puck stressed with another tiny giggle. Quinn smiled, albeit a bit painfully, before averting her gaze to the floor. SHe wished she could remember the janitor's face... 

"Well, let's not waste any time then" Puck said, breaking the awkward silence that had formed. He took Quinn's hand again, loving the way they fit so well together, like two missing puzzle pieces brought together. 

He could only hope that by the end of the day, he and his missing puzzle piece would finally be whole again. 

Puck smiled as they approched a door. The room was vacant, thankfully so Puck took them inside. 

"This" Puck began. "Is the Glee Club. And I'm going to sing you a song.

"Really?" Quinn asked. He hadn't heard Puck sing he'd woken up. "Ok" Quinn took a seat on one of the chairs. looking up expectantly at Puck. He grabbed a guitar and began to play Keep Holding On. Then Puck began to sing. 

Quinn's breath hitched as Puck's gaze was focused solely on her, her eyes brimming with tears. Quinn knew that Puck had sung this song when she was passing through a hard time, but now, she knew the words had a totally different meaning. 

Puck wanted Quinn to get her memory bavk by seeing Puck sing the song he had sung when she was passing a hard time. The tars were flowing now, leaving sparkling tears on Puck's cheek. Quinn's heart was beating faster than ever, but.... nothing. 

No memories, no recollections, not a single thing. She was just as clueless as ever. 

And it was killing her. 

So Puck finished the song, his eyes never leave Quinn. The guitar melody faded away, leaving behind an anxious silence. Puck gave Quinn a look that clearly meant Anything? Do you remember Anything? Quinn stood abruptly, tears in her own eyes and her heart shattering. 

"I'm sorry, Puck" She choked out, her hands sweating now. "I'm just so sorry" 

Quinn bolted from the room, her own tears escaping from where they had been building up. 

"Quinn!" Puck called, chasing after his disstraught girlfriend. "Quinn stop"

Quinn didn't stop, only ran faster, not being able to bear at looking Puck in the eye while realizing that there really wasn't anything left to trigger Quinn's memory. It was over. It was all over. 

But it wasn't. Not Yet. 

Puck followed Quinn, knowing exactly where the path was leading. This was really their last shot. It was now or never. 

Quinn ran halfway into the Cheerios locker room before stopping abruptly, her eyes wide. She heard a million things at once. 

"God bless the perv that invented these. Remember the power motto girls: 'It's all about the teasing and not about the pleasing'"

" I respect you. I had to get a nose job and go on a crazy diet to walk around this school like I own it and you just do it."

"A little something something always leads to something more. I've been there, remember?"

"Did you love me?"

"Yes. Especially now."

In Quinn's haze, she hadn't realized Puck had been calling her name. 

"Quinn?" Puck asked, trying to get his girlfriend's attention. "Quinn, what is it? What do you remember?" 

Quinn turned around, her eyes wide and bewildered as she grasped Puck's hands


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